Awards and Honours received by the Faculty


Yearwise list of prestigious Awards and honours received by the faculty of the University

Year Award Agency Faculty School
2024Prof. C.V. Subramanian Memorial AwardMycological Society of India (MSI)Rodrigues, B.F.Biological Sciences and Biotechnology
2024Knight in the Order of Academic PalmsConsulate General of French in BombaySilveira, I.Shenoi Goembab School of Languages and Literature
2024Late Meghashyam Nayak Memorial, Yuva Sahitya Purskar 2024Goa Konkani AcademyAiya, H.Shenoi Goembab School of Languages and Literature
2023State Biodiversity Conservation Award in the field of Applied Biodiversity Research Goa State Biodiversity Board, Department of Science, Technology & Environment, Govt. of GoaKerkar, S.Biological Sciences and Biotechnology
2023Prix d'excellence de l'enseignement du français 2023 (Exceptional French Language Teacher Award 2023)Institut Français en Inde (Embassy of France in India), Indian Association of Teachers of French (IATF), Association of Indian French Professionals and Reasearchers (AIFPRO) and Association of Teachers of European Languages in India (ATELI)Gomes, A.Shenoi Goembab School of Languages and Literature
2022Enseignante Exceptionnelle de français-2022 (Exceptional French Language Teacher Award-2022)Institut Français en Inde (Embassy of France in India), Indian Association of Teachers of French (IATF), Association of Indian French Professionals and Reasearchers (AIFPRO) and Association of Teachers of European Languages in India (ATELI)Dharwadkar, K.Shenoi Goembab School of Languages and Literature
2022Award of AppreciationNehru Yuva Kendra Sanghtana, Panaji, Goa (Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India) Rivankar, K.D.D. Kosambi School of Social Sciences and Behavioural Studies
2022Menção Honrosa pela Relevância do Trabalho Realizado na Índia em prol da Língua e Cultura Portuguesa 2022 (Honorary Mention for the Valuable Contribution in the area of Portuguese Language and Culture Promotion 2022)Fundação Oriente, PortugalDaSilva, D.C.Shenoi Goembab School of Languages and Literature
2021Prof. C.V.Subramanian Memorial Award for Women Scientists Mycological Society of India (MSI)Nazareth, S.W.Biological Sciences and Biotechnology
2021Best Teacher Award for the year 2020-21Govt. of GoaJanarthanam, M.K.Biological Sciences and Biotechnology
2021Best Teacher Award for the year 2020-21Govt. of GoaMukhopadhyay, P.Goa Business School
2021Best Teacher Award for the year 2021-22Govt. of GoaPriolkar, K.R.Physical and Applied Sciences
2021Best Teacher Award for the year 2021-22Govt. of GoaPawar, J.D.Goa Business School
2021Exceptional French Language Teacher Award (EFLTA 2021)Embassy of France in IndiaGomes, N.Shenoi Goembab School of Languages and Literature
2020Fellow, Indian Mycological Society (IMS)Indian Mycological Society (IMS)Rodrigues, B.F.Biological Sciences and Biotechnology
2020Best Teacher Award for the year 2019-20Govt. of GoaGad, R.S.Physical and Applied Sciences
2020First Prize for Fly Cocobot at "KRITAGYA - A National Level Agtech Hackathon"Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New DelhiGad, R.S.Physical and Applied Sciences
2019Young Scientist Award - 2018Ministry of Mines (Govt. of India)Ganguly, S.Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
2019Dr. V. Agnihothrudu Memorial AwardMycological Society of India (MSI)Rodrigues, B.F.Biological Sciences and Biotechnology
2019H.H. Read Memorial Gold Medal Award-2019Society of Geoscientists and Allied Technologists (SGAT)Ganguly, S.Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
2017Best Teacher Award for the year 2016-17Govt. of GoaRodrigues, B.F.Biological Sciences and Biotechnology
2016Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Arts et Lettres (Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters)French GovernmentWagle, A.Shenoi Goembab School of Languages and Literature
2016Best Teacher Award for the year 2015-16Govt. of GoaSalker, A.V.Chemical Sciences
2016Chemical Research Society of India Bronze MedalChemical Research Society of IndiaTilve, S.G.Chemical Sciences
2016Prof. V.P. Bhide Memorial AwardIndian Society of Mycology and Plant PathologyRodrigues, B.F.Biological Sciences and Biotechnology
2015Materials Research Society of India (MRSI) MedalMaterials Research Society of India (MRSI)Priolkar, K.R.Physical and Applied Sciences
2014Dr. S.K. Shome Memorial Lecture AwardMycological Society of IndiaNazareth, S.W.Biological Sciences and Biotechnology
2014Fellow, Indian Society of Mycology and Plant PathologyIndian Society of Mycology and Plant PathologyRodrigues, B.F.Biological Sciences and Biotechnology
2013Member, National Academy of Sciences India, AllahabadNational Academy of Sciences India, AllahabadPriolkar, K.R.Physical and Applied Sciences
2012Fellow, Mycological Society of IndiaMycological Society of IndiaRodrigues, B.F.Biological Sciences and Biotechnology
2011Late Narsinha Damodar Naik Sahitya PuraskarKonkani Bhasha MandalBudkuley, K.Shenoi Goembab School of Languages and Literature
2010Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI) Bronze MedalChemical Research Society of IndiaSrinivasan, B.R.Chemical Sciences
2008Treasure of Vedic KnowledgeWorld Association for Vedic Studies (WAVES), Florida, USAVinaykumar, U.A.Sanskrit, Philosophy and Indic Studies
2008Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Académiques (Knight of the Order of the Academic Palms)French GovernmentWagle, A.Shenoi Goembab School of Languages and Literature
2005Prof. V.V. Sivarajan Gold MedalIndian Association of Angiosperm TaxonomyJanarthanam, M.K.Biological Sciences and Biotechnology
2002Prof. Hira Lal Chakravarty Memorial awardIndian Science Congress AssociationSharma, P.K.Biological Sciences and Biotechnology
2000Reader of the YearUniversal Reading Mission, HyderabadVinaykumar, U.A.Sanskrit, Philosophy and Indic Studies