Presentations at Conferences database records items from 2013 onwards
20 Papers presented by Prof. Barreto-Alberto, L.

1. Barreto-Alberto, L.; Cardoso, H.C.: Goan Portuguese: Some modern syntactic characteristics. Two-day International Seminar on India-Portugal: Confluence of Cultures. SGSLL and SSPIS, Goa University. 6-7 Jan 2025.

2. Silveira, I.; Barreto-Alberto, L.: Dia de Camões: Cultural Commemoration in Postcolonial Goa. Alem Da Palavra: O Legado De Camoes No Seculo Xxi & Um Bilhete Para O Mundo: Bem-Vindos A Helder Macedo Coloquio Internacional. King's College London, Strand Campus, U.K.. 1 Nov 2024.

3. Silveira Almeida, I.; Barreto-Alberto, L.: Picturing Camões in Goa. Coloquio Internacional 500/100. Centro de Estudos Mirandinos, Universidade do Minho, Portugal. 3-4 Oct 2024.

4. Barreto-Alberto, L.: Encontro com Monçaide: Desvendando encruzilhadas culturais na tradução de Olivinho Gomes d’Os Lusíadas para o concanim. . Congresso do Meio Milenio de Camoes, Macau. Rede Camoes na Asia e Africa. 24-25 Feb 2024.

5. Barreto-Alberto, L.: Classical Echoes: The Graeco-Latin Influence on Ricardo Reis. Fernando Pessoa: A Poet's Creed. University of Toronto and Goa University, with the support of J.H Cunha Rivara Chair, Goa University and CLP Camoes, Goa. 9-10 Jan 2024.

6. Barreto-Alberto, L.: The Epidemic of Blindness of José Saramago. International Conference on the theme Mahamari aur Sahitya. Discipline of Hindi, Shenoi Goembab School of Languages & Literature, Goa University. 21-22 Feb 2023.

7. Barreto-Alberto, L.: The Legacy and worldview of José Saramago. Invited talk. Inauguration of the exhibition, "Jose Saramago: retracing the steps that were taken". CLP -Camoes, Panaji. 1 Dec 2022.

8. Barreto-Alberto, L.: The role of 19th century Historiographers in the cultural structuring of the Portuguese Konkan . One-day National Seminar on the theme Historical Archives of Goa: A Connect to Regional History. Dept. of History, Govt. College of Arts & Science, Virnoda, Pernem and Dept. of Archives, Govt. of Goa. 22 Oct 2022.

9. Barreto-Alberto, L.: O Português de Goa. Open lecture. Erasmus+ Mobile 2Be Faculty Mobility Scholarship. Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. 11 Oct 2022.

10. Barreto-Alberto, L.; Barbosa Noronha, J.C.: The emergence of the Independent Press in 19th Century Goa. 2nd International Lisbon Congress of the IGSCP-PE: Liberalism and the Colonial Periodical Press. Centre for Humanities - CHAM, Nova University of Lisbon. 21-22 Sep 2022.

11. Barreto-Alberto, L.: Dalgado's 'Florilégio de Provérbios Concanis' vis-à-vis modern day Goa: A socio-linguistic approach. International Conference: Dalgado 100: A obra de Sebastiao Dalgado. Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras. 4-5 Apr 2022.

12. Barreto-Alberto, L.: The role of 19th century Historiographers in the cultural structuring of the Portuguese Konkan. Local History Seminar 2022: Historiography of Goa. Dept. of History, Goa University. 11 Mar 2022.

13. Barreto-Alberto, L.: The importance of learning Portuguese and its beneficial prospects for the future. Invited Talk. Felicitation of Top scorers at the SSC and HSSC Board Examinations of the Academic Year 2019-20. Fundação Oriente. 5 Dec 2020.

14. Barreto-Alberto, L.: Esperança (Hope) of Vimala Devi: Patriarchy and Caste Oppression. National Conference on Gender and Caste: Redefining Intersectionality. Dept. of Women's Studies, Goa University. 5-6 Oct 2020.

15. Barreto-Alberto, L.: Indo-Portuguese Literature: A Thematic Study of History. Invited Lecture. . Department of Comparative Language and Literature, University of Calcutta. 18 Sep 2020.

16. Barreto-Alberto, L.: Propercia Correia Afonso e Figueiredo and the Woman in Portuguese India. 5th Int. Sym. Goa: Cultures, Languages & Literatures. Dept. of Portuguese & Lusophone Studies, Goa University in collaboration with Centro de Lingua Portuguesa / Camões. 28-30 Jan 2020.

17. Barreto-Alberto, L.; Alberto, L.: Music in the making of a true Goan identity: Composers from the island of Divar. Seminar on Making of Goan identity. Dept. of History, Goa University. 15 Mar 2019.

18. Alberto, L.; Barreto-Alberto, L.: Superstition and myth in rural Goan society as exposed by Agostinho Fernandes in Bodki. Int. Seminar on Estado Da India: Colonial Periodical Press, Politics & Culture and The 4th Int. Symp. on Goa: Cultures, Languages & Literatures. Goa University. 21-23 Jan 2019.

19. Barreto-Alberto, L.: The contribution of the Island of Divar towards the History of Goan Literature. Seminar on Revisiting Higher Education, Culture Studies, English Language and Literature Teaching. CES College of Arts and Commerce, Cuncolim-Goa. 24 Mar 2018.

20. Barreto-Alberto, L.: O contributo da Ilha de Divar para a Historia da Literatura Goesa. Int. Symp. on Goa: Literatures, Languages and Cultures. Institute Camões, Goa. 24-25 Jan 2018.