Presentations at Conferences database records items from 2013 onwards
7 Papers presented by Prof. Bhat, N.S.
1. Bhat, N.S.: Revolt of 1857 and its historiography. . Navodaya Leadership Institute, Canacona, Goa. 12 Dec 2018.
2. Bhat, N.S.: Historiography of Indian national movement. . Navodaya Leadership Institute, Canacona, Goa. 12 Dec 2018.
3. Bhat, N.S.: Value education at tertiary level. (Session chair). National Conclave on Value Education, Goa University. Goa University, GVM’s Dr. Dada Vaidya College of Education and Difficult Dialogues. 12-15 Dec 2018.
4. Bhat, N.S.: (1) Communalism and Historiography in India, (2) Environmental History of India . Refresher Course in Social Sciences. UGC-HRDC, Goa University. 13 Feb 2018.
5. Bhat, N.S.: Environmental History and Historiography. (Distinguished Endowment Lecture). . Dept. of History, Kannada University, Hampi, Karnataka. 26 Nov 2016.
6. Bhat, N.S.: G.K. Gokhale: The Grand Young Man of Indian Nationalism . Key-note Address. Nat. Seminar on Diamond of India and Jewel of Maharashtra: Gopal Krishna Gokhale. D.R. Mane Mahavidyalaya, Kagal, Maharashtra. 11-12 Dec 2015.
7. Bhat, N.S.: (i) Ecology in Indian history; (ii) Communalism in Indian Historiography. Invited talk. 86th Orientation Course. ASC, Goa University. 27 Sep 2013.