Presentations at Conferences database records items from 2013 onwards
11 Papers presented by Prof. Coelho, J.P.
1. Coelho, J.P.: Gods, guns and globalism. Home is not always where the heart is: Dialectics of exile among the Tibetan diaspora. . Agnes College, Mangaluru. 8-9 Feb 2018.
2. Coelho, J.P.: From sacred to profane: The many dimensions of the 2016 parliamentary elections of the Tibetan Diaspora. Int. Conf. on Global Migration: Rethinking Skills, Knowledge and Culture. Global Research Forum on Diaspora and Transnationalism (GRFDT), New Delhi. 26-27 Nov 2016.
3. Coelho, J.P.: The mainstreaming of the 'doubly marginalised': An examination of the collective actions of Tibetan former political prisoners in India. Int. Conf. on Marginalisation, Poverty and Decentralisation. Kerala Institute of Local Administration, Trissure, Kerala. 19-22 Nov 2016.
4. Coelho, J.P.: Armed conflict and prolonged exile: Irony of sustaining the struggle for Tibetan women in India. Gender, Conflict and Security: Perspectives from South Asia. Dept. of International Relations, South Asian University, New Delhi. 23-24 Apr 2015.
5. Coelho, J.P.: Diaspora, nationality and Goan catholics in England. Int. Conf. on Indian Diaspora & Cultural Heritage: Past, Present & Future. Indian Council of Cultural Relations, New Delhi. 11-13 Feb 2015.
6. Coelho, J.P.: Re imagining citizenship: The dillemas facing Tibetan refugees in India. Nat. Workshop on Understanding Migration and Diaspora: Cultural Practices, Challenges and Solutions. Pune University. 2 Feb 2015.
7. Coelho, J.P.: In the shadow of Marathi: Political sociology of Konkani in Goa. Int. Conf. on Language, Literature and Culture (ICLLC 2014). Institute of Advanced Studies in English, Pune and Centre for Digital Humanitiies, Pune. 15-17 Dec 2014.
8. Coelho, J.P.: Swaraj in exile: An experiment in community governance in the Tibetan settlements in Bailakuppe, Karnataka. 2. South Asia Conf. on Gandhi, Gram Swaraj and Democratic Decentralisation. Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA), Thrissur, Kerala. 27-29 Nov 2014.
9. Coelho, J.P.: Citizenship versus homeland: The changing nationality of Goans in Swindon, England. Int. Conf. on Global Indian Diaspora: Continuities and Changes. Univ. of Hyderabad. 6-7 Nov 2014.
10. Coelho, J.P.: Trial by Fire: Transfiguration of Tibetan Buddhism in Exile. Int. Conf. Diversity Margins and Dialogue: Local National and Transnational Cultures. Dept of Sociology, Pune University. 2-4 Jan 2014.
11. Coelho, J.P.: Case study as a tool of qualitative field research. (Invited Talk). Capacity Building Workshop for the Young Researchers. Directorate of Higher Education, Goa and the ICSSR (WRC). 1 Jun 2013.