Presentations at Conferences database records items from 2013 onwards
2 Papers presented by Prof. Deshpande, K.B.
1. PrabhuDesai, P.; Naik, T.; Thekkedath, A.; Deshpande, K.B.: Sensing heavy metals in coastal water using surface plasmon resonance. Int. Conf. on New Frontiers in Environmental and Allied Science [ICNFAS-2019]. Pune district Education Association. 15-16 Feb 2019.
2. Deshpande, K.B.: Emerging enzyme based technologies for monitoring environmental pollution. (Invited lecture). Int. Conf. on Materials and Environmantal Science [ICMES-2018]. Yashwantraorao Patil College & New College; Kolhapur University, Kolhapur. 7-8 Dec 2018.