Presentations at Conferences database records items from 2013 onwards
13 Papers presented by Prof. Fernandes, S.A.

1. Fernandes, S.A.: --. Resource person. Oficina de Trabalho: Produção de materiais e instrumentos de avaliação para o ensino-aprendizagem do PLE. CLP-Camões, Pangim Goa. 4 Nov 2023.

2. Fernandes, S.A.: Tarefas colaborativas nas salas de sessão individuais numa sala de aula virtual de Português. VIII Jornadas Pedagogicas. Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e, Timor. 28-29 Oct 2023.

3. Fernandes, S.A.: Wordle in Portuguese: making Portuguese accessible for foreign language learners. Online V Encontro Internacional de Lingua Portuguesa e Relaçoes Lusófonas (LUSOCONF 2023. Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Escola Superior de Educação, Portugal. 12-13 Oct 2023.

4. Fernandes, S.A.: Fomentar a leitura auditiva: de dentro para fora da sala da aula de PLE. VII Encontros de Pontos de Rede de Ensino de PLE na Asia 2022 A leitura no ensino de portugues lingua estrangeira: praticas pedagogico-didaticas centradas no aprendente. Instituto Portugues do Oriente, Macau, China. 25-26 Nov 2022.

5. Fernandes, S.A.: Teatro do Leitor numa sala de aula virtual sincrona de Portugues Lingua Estrangeira. VII Jornadas Pedagogicas. Universidade Nacional Timor Lorosa'e, Timor. 19-21 Oct 2022.

6. Fernandes, S.A.: Creating and harnessing digital resources for an online Portuguese language class. Online 2nd International Congress "Innovation and Technology in Language Teaching" (iTel 2021). El@n (Online Language Teaching) of LE@D (Distance Education and Learning Laboratory) and the Humanities Department of Universidade Aberta, Portugal. 2-3 Dec 2021.

7. Fernandes, S.A.: Creating and harnessing digital resources for an online Portuguese language class. Online 2nd International Congress "Innovation and Technology in Language Teaching" (iTel 2021). El@n (Online Language Teaching) of LE@D (Distance Education and Learning Laboratory) and the Humanities Department of Universidade Aberta, Portugal. 29-30 Nov 2021.

8. Fernandes, S.A.: Mother tongue language in the Portuguese foreign language classroom in Goa, India. Online III Encontro Internacional de Lingua Portuguesa e Relacoes Lusofonas (LUSOCONF 2021). Instituto Politecnico de Braganca, Escola Superior de Educacao, Portugal. 14-16 Oct 2021.

9. Fernandes, S.A.: Ensuring Equality, Inclusion and Diversity in Portuguese Online Synchronous Teaching: Challenges and Opportunities. Online International Conference Aprender Línguas Estrangeiras em Tempos de Pandemia – desafios e oportunidades. CLIC IPL, Portugal. 25 Jun 2021.

10. Fernandes, S.A.: Tales personal letters tell: Jorge de Amaral e Vasconcelos’ Cartas da Índia (1649-1656). 5th International Symposium on Goa: Cultures, Languages & Literatures. Dept. of Portuguese & Lusophone Studies, Goa University and Centro de Lingua Portuguesa / Camões. 28-30 Jan 2020.

11. Fernandes, S.A.: Cecilia Meireles: Mirroring the Mahatma. Seminar on The Multifaceted Mahatma: Revisiting Gandhi on His Sesquicentennial Birth Anniversary. Dept. of English, Goa University. 26 Mar 2019.

12. Fernandes, S.A.: Victor Rangel-Ribeiro's construction of a Goan Identity in "Tivolem". Seminar on Making of Goan Identity. Dept. of History, Goa University. 15 Mar 2019.

13. Fernandes, S.A.: Endeavors at concealing faith in Richard Zimler’s Guardian of the Dawn. Int. Seminar on Philosophy and Literature Meeting: The East(s) and the West(s). Goa University and University of Porto, FCT, Institute Camões. 19-20 Mar 2018.