Presentations at Conferences database records items from 2013 onwards
54 Papers presented by Prof. Kamat, N.M.
1. Kamat, N.M.: Restoring ecological, economic and agroentrepreneurial glory of Khazans of Goa. (Invited lecture). . Senado hall, Hotel Mandovi, Panaji. 30 Apr 2019.
2. Khandeparkar, S.; Kamat, N.M.: Novel artificial technique for studying Aquatic hyphomycetes under laboratory conditions. State level Exhibition of Research Based Projects. Dept. of Microbiology, R.S. Naik College of Arts and Science, Ponda; DSTE, Govt. of Goa. 9 Mar 2019.
3. Pal, S.; Kamat, N.M.: Potential of novel biotreatment process using freshwater yeast culture as active cellular bioflocculants for reduction of turbidity of mine tailing water. Nat. Conf. on Microbial Bioremediation: Novel Approaches and Trends. Dept. of Microbiology, Goa Univ.; DSTE, Govt. of Goa. 27-28 Feb 2019.
4. Dabolkar, S.; Kamat, N.M.: Generating sustainable wealth from lateritic waste -Prospects of Biomining of Gallium. Nat. Conf. on Microbial Bioremediation: Novel Approaches and Trends. Dept. of Microbiology, Goa Univ.; DSTE, Govt. of Goa. 27-28 Feb 2019.
5. Kamat, N.M.; Dabolkar, S.: Environmentally sustainable biomining of neglected auriferous resources of Goa. Nat. Conf. on Microbial Bioremediation: Novel Approaches and Trends. Dept. of Microbiology, Goa Univ.; DSTE, Govt. of Goa. 27-28 Feb 2019.
6. Kamat, N.M.: Konkani language, literature, education and culture-towards a bright future. (Chairman's address). Seminar on Silver Jubilee of Inclusion of Konkani in the 8th schedule of Indian constitution (1992-2017). Sahitya Akademi; DHE, Goa; Govt. College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Khandola. 18-19 Feb 2019.
7. Pal, S.; Kamat, N.M.: Yeast in southwest monsoon rainwater: Some ecological and biometeorological implications. Nat. Symp. on Current Trend and Future Prospects in Plant Science Research. Banaras Hindu University Varanasi. 1-3 Feb 2019.
8. Kamat, N.M.: Biodiversity laws in Goa. (Invited lecture). . UNDP-GEF (Global ABS); NLSIU, Bangalore; V.M. Salgaonkar College of Law. 29-30 Jan 2019.
9. Kamat, N.M.; Dabolkar, S.: History of gold mining in Goa through the ages. 20. Local History Seminar on History of Goa. Dept. of History, Goa University; Directorate of Archives and Archaeology. 10 Jan 2019.
10. Pal, S.; Kamat, N.M.: Fractal analysis of fresh water yeast colony margins facilitates strain selection in biotreatment of turbid water. Int. Symp. on Fungal Biology: Advances, Application and Conservation (INSFB 2018) & 45th Annual Meeting of Mycological Society of India. Nat. Fungal Culture Collection of India, Agharkar Research Institute, Pune. 19-21 Nov 2018.
11. Dabolkar, S.; Kamat, N.M.: Comparative studies on swarms and morphology of AuNps and micro particles produced by bacterial and fungal cellular and cell free. Int. Symp. on Fungal Biology: Advances, Application and Conservation (INSFB 2018) & 45th Annual Meeting of Mycological Society of India. Nat. Fungal Culture Collection of India, Agharkar Research Institute, Pune. 19-21 Nov 2018.
12. deSouza, R.A.; Kamat, N.M.; Nadkarni, V.S.: Cultural melanin characterization from wild edible mushroom termitomyces albuminosus heim. Int. Symp. on Fungal Biology: Advances, Application and Conservation (INSFB 2018) & 45th Annual Meeting of Mycological Society of India. Nat. Fungal Culture Collection of India, Agharkar Research Institute, Pune. 19-21 Nov 2018.
13. deSouza, R.A.; Kamat, N.M.: The magic, mystery and mechanics of melanized pseudorrhiza in termitomyces spp. Int. Symp. on Fungal Biology: Advances, Application and Conservation (INSFB 2018) & 45th Annual Meeting of Mycological Society of India. Nat. Fungal Culture Collection of India, Agharkar Research Institute, Pune. 19-21 Nov 2018.
14. Petkar, A.; Kamat, N.M.: Fractal characterization of presumptively polysaccharide capped calcium oxide crystalline mycolith swarms in wild mushroom cultures obtained by thermal treatment. Int. Symp. on Fungal Biology: Advances, Application and Conservation (INSFB 2018) & 45th Annual Meeting of Mycological Society of India. Nat. Fungal Culture Collection of India, Agharkar Research Institute, Pune. 19-21 Nov 2018.
15. Kamat, N.M.: Critique. Goa State Draft Tourism Policy. Centre for Resposible Tourism; Caritas, Goa; Council for Social Justice and Peace. 7 Nov 2018.
16. Dabolkar, S.; Kamat, N.M.: Reinventing the Indian alchemic heritage of Bhunagas – How geophagous earthworms can help in ecofriendly and sustainable biomining of gold from auriferous soils. Seminar on Appropriate Technologies for Rural Sectors. Centre For Appropriate Technology for rural sector- CATers. 27 Oct 2018.
17. Kamat, N.M.: How Goans engineered resilient Khazan agroecosystem to withstand natural upheavals for two millenia. Seminar on Appropriate Technologies for Rural Sectors. Centre For Appropriate Technology for rural sector- CATers. 27 Oct 2018.
18. Kamat, N.M.: 'Resurgent Goa' - Goan Society from 1900-1961 by V.V.Kamat. (Invited lecture). . Broadway book centre, Panaji, state. 25 Oct 2018.
19. Dabolkar, S.; Kamat, N.M.: How Indian state of Goa could attain its potential in Asia as major metallogenic province through knowledge based sustainable biomining with new focus on neglected auriferous resources. Nature Conf.: Minerals and Materials for a Sustainable Future 2018. Geological Survey of Norway, Trondheim, Norway. 11-13 Sep 2018.
20. Kamat, N.M.: Wild edible termitomyces Mushroom. Workshop for members of Biodiversity Management committees. Goa State Biodiveristy Board. 6 Jul 2018.
21. Dabolkar, A.; Khandeparkar, S.; Kumbhar, V.; Naik, A.; Kamat, N.M.: Mangopedia: A bioinformatics approach to study mango Mangifera indica cyberknowledge base. Western Regional Seminar on frontiers and innovation in plant sciences. Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts and Science, Margao. 16-17 Mar 2018.
22. Fernandes, E.; Gaonkar, S.; Kale, S.; Kirtani, D.; Kamat, N.M.: A chemoinformatics approach to study the diverse chilli pepper (capsicum) cultivars with potential applications for R&D in Goan varieties. Western Regional Seminar on frontiers and innovation in plant sciences. Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts and Science, Margao. 16-17 Mar 2018.
23. Bhende, S.; Deikar, S.; Karpe, A.; Potekar, R.; Kamat, N.M.: Cashewpedia: A bioinformatics approach to study cashew Anacardium occidentale cyberknowledge base. Western Regional Seminar on frontiers and innovation in plant sciences. Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts and Science, Margao. 16-17 Mar 2018.
24. Marathe, P.; Pai, R.; Keerthi P.S.; Kamat, N.M.: Systematic use of phytochemical databases in bioprospecting of rich plant diversity of Goa to mine useful lead molecules. Western Regional Seminar on frontiers and innovation in plant sciences. Parvatibai Chowgule College of Arts and Science, Margao. 16-17 Mar 2018.
25. Dabolkar, S.; Kamat, N.M.: Recovery of Chemolithotrophic microbial forms from BIF of Goa. Nat. Conf. on Changing Environment: Challenges, Solutions and Strategies. Dhempe college of Arts and Science, Panaji, Goa. 8-9 Mar 2018.
26. Dabolkar, S.; Kamat, N.M.: Implications for climate change: Role of sea shell infecting calcimycocavites in efficient biogeochemical cycling of carbon and calcium in ocean-beach environment. Nat. Conf. on Changing Environment: Challenges, Solutions and Strategies. Dhempe college of Arts and Science, Panaji, Goa . 8-9 Mar 2018.
27. Kamat, N.M.; Dabolkar, S.: Fossiliferous marine shell deposits in Zuari estuarine basin Goa, India as potential proxies for paleoclimate and paleobiodiversity research. Nat. Conf. on Changing Environment: Challenges, Solutions and Strategies. Dhempe college of Arts and Science, Panaji, Goa. 8-9 Mar 2018.
28. Kamat, N.M.; deSouza, R.A.: Local impacts of global climate change manifested through abnormal phonological and speciation patterns in wild Termitomyces mushroom species of Goa. Nat. Conf. on Changing Environment: Challenges, Solutions and Strategies. Dhempe college of Arts and Science, Panaji, Goa. 8-9 Mar 2018.
29. Mhaldar, R.; Kamat, N.M.: Coastal tourism desitinations in Peril: Some worst-case scenarios for tourism in Goa likely to be impacted by Sea Level Rise in 21st century. Nat. Conf. on Changing Environment: Challenges, Solutions and Strategies. Dhempe college of Arts and Science, Panaji, Goa. 8-9 Mar 2018.
30. Dabolkar, A.; Pai, R.; Kamat, N.M.: Conserving coastal creeks to combat climate change: case study of Velsao creek using Google Earth and fractal analysis of landscape. Nat. Conf. on Changing Environment: Challenges, Solutions and Strategies. Dhempe college of Arts and Science, Panaji, Goa. 8-9 Mar 2018.
31. Pai, R.; Dabolkar, A.; Kamat, N.M.: Rejuvenation of capacitance or reversion to original mangroves?- the future of Goa's eco-sensitive Khazan agroecosystem vulnerable to sea level rise. Nat. Conf. on Changing Environment: Challenges, Solutions and Strategies. Dhempe college of Arts and Science, Panaji, Goa. 8-9 Mar 2018.
32. Pal, S.; Kamat, N.M.: Present knowledge of sustainable bioremediation of highly turbid frshwater resources with prospects of application in mining areas of Goa. Nat. Conf. on Changing Environment: Challenges, Solutions and Strategies. Dhempe college of Arts and Science, Panaji, Goa. 8-9 Mar 2018.
33. Dabolkar, S.; Kamat, N.M.: Heat treatment and soluble proteinaceous factors may influence swarms and morphology of Gold nano and microparticles produced using Rhizobium sp. cultures from root nodules of Mimosa pudica in a simple, novel slide based system. Poster. Int. Conf. on Trends in Biochemical & Biomedical Research: Advances and Challenges (TBBR-2018). Dept. of Biochemistry, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. 13-15 Feb 2018.
34. Pal, S.; Kamat, N.M.: Fractal analysis of colony margins as an aid for screening oligotrophic freshwater yeast cultures for bioclarification of turbid polluted water resources in the iron ore mining region of Goa. Poster. Int. Conf. on Trends in Biochemical & Biomedical Research: Advances and Challenges (TBBR-2018). Dept. of Biochemistry, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. 13-15 Feb 2018.
35. Kamat, N.M.: Inaugural Lecture. Childrens book fair 'Tare Zamin Par'. Board of Innovative Education, Goa. 24 Dec 2017.
36. Kamat, N.M.: Current educational scenario. (Invited Lecture). 107th foundation day of Peoples Educational trust. Peoples High school, Panaji. 15 Jul 2017.
37. Kamat, N.M.: A roadmap for biodiversity and sustainable tourism. Seminar on IBD-2017, A Roadmap for Biodiversity and Sustainable Tourism. Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change and Goa State Biodiversity Board. 23 May 2017.
38. Kamat, N.M.: Biodiversity of Netravalim. Workshop on Ecotourism. Atal Gram Development Agency, Biodiversity of Netravalim. 29 Mar 2017.
39. Kamat, N.M.: Challenges of science and technology to culture. Nat. Seminar on Culture Studies and Marathi Literature, Sant Sohirobanth Ambiye Chair. Dept. of Marathi, Goa University. 22-23 Mar 2017.
40. D'Souza, R.A.; Kamat, N.M.: Use of SEM typology and FTIR spectral markers for characterization of Termitomyces pellets obtained under submerged conditions. Asian Mycological Congress 2015. Asian Mycological Association and Dept. of Botany, Goa University. 7-10 Oct 2015.
41. Dabolkar, S.; Kamat, N.M.: Calcimycocavitological studies on seashells from beaches of North Goa, India. Asian Mycological Congress 2015. Asian Mycological Association and Dept. of Botany, Goa University. 7-10 Oct 2015.
42. Kamat, N.M.: Eco-conservation of wild edible and medicinal mushroom resources of western Ghats of India in workshop on fungal conservation. Asian Mycological Congress 2015. Asian Mycological Association and Dept. of Botany, Goa University. 7-10 Oct 2015.
43. Khatun, K.; Kamat, N.M.: Cultural studies of nematophagous fungus Hohenbuehelia the perfect stage of Nematoctonus an useful source to formulate ecofriendly bionematicides. Nat. Seminar. St. Xaviers college. 8 Mar 2015.
44. Naik, S.; Kamat, N.M.: Converting wealth into waste: criminal destruction of sand dunes of goa without tapping the biotechnologically useful microbial resources. Nat. Seminar. St. Xaviers college. 8 Mar 2015.
45. Sawant, S.; Kamat, N.M.: Wood rotting basidiomycetes lenzites betulina (l.) fr. demonstrates interesting coupling of high intracellular lipid accumulation and extracellular calcium oxalate mycolith deposition. Nat. Seminar. St. Xaviers college. 8 Mar 2015.
46. Bandekar, K.; Kamat, N.M.: Earthworm casts as microbiologically interesting biogenic resources. Nat. Seminar. St. Xaviers college. 8 Mar 2015.
47. D'Souza, R.A.; Kamat, N.M.: How termites: Termitomyces mutualistic system (ttms) employs fungus combs for efficient ecosystem maintenance in western ghats. Nat. Seminar on Life and Life Processes: Sustainable Development. Goa University. 19-21 Feb 2015.
48. Dabolkar, S.; Kamat, N.M.: Interesting faunal bioinculsions in Baltic amber marketed in Goa. Nat. Seminar on Life and Life Processes: Sustainable Development. Goa University. 19-21 Feb 2015.
49. Fernandes, M.S.; Kamat, N.M.; Kerkar, S.: Bipotentialities of Actinomycetes metabolites in enhancing shelf life of Button Mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus): Some promising results from benchtop trials. (Poster). 8. Int. Conf. on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products. World Society for Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products, Directorate of mushroom research & Mushroom Society of India. 22 Nov 2014.
50. D'Souza, R.A.; Kamat, N.M.: Importance of understanding pellelization in Termitomyces Heim species for potential applications to produce edible nutritious mycoprotein. (Poster). 8. Int. Conf. on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products. . 19-22 Nov 2014.
51. D'Souza, R.A.; Kamat, N.M.: Glimpses of TERMITOMYCOPEDIATM project – present state of bioinformatics of Termitomyces- termite mutualistic system (poster). Nat. Conf. Current & Emerging Trends in Life Science. Smt. Parvatibai Chowgule college of Arts and Science, Margao. 18-19 Mar 2014.
52. D'Souza, R.A.; Kamat, N.M.: Microfluidics in mycology – fabrication and use of multichamber microfluidics devices (MCMFD) for live monitoring of cellular and biochemical processes in fungal microcolonies (poster). Nat. Conf. Current & Emerging Trends in Life Science. Smt. Parvatibai Chowgule college of Arts and Science, Margao. 18-19 Mar 2014.
53. Kamat, N.M.: Cultural Policy of Goa. (Invited Talk). Goa-Israeli Exchange by Kala Academy, GCCI; Norway-India Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NICCI); Indo-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce (Goa); Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Kala Akademy, Panaji. 30 Jan 2014.
54. Khandeparkar, S.; Kamat, N.M.: Potential of freshwater Hyphomycetes inproduction of ulrapure Silicon from natural phytoliths. Nat. Conf. on Microbial Bioremediation: Novel Approaches and Trends. . 1 Jan 1970.