Presentations at Conferences database records items from 2013 onwards
8 Papers presented by Prof. Mahender, K.
1. Purushottam, V.; Mahender, K.: Sedimentology & petrography of the lower Kaladgi clastic sequence. 35th Convention of Indian Association of Sedimentologists. Sagar University. 20-30 Jan 2019.
2. Mahender, K.: Stratigraphic sedimentology of Jurassic of Kachchh. Brainstorming Session and National Seminar on Kachchh. KSKV Kachchh University, Bhuj, Gujarat. 30 Dec 2018-1 Jan 2019.
3. Verlekar, P.; Mahender, K.: Lateral lithofacies variation within Lokapur Subgroup, Kaladgi basin. Nat. Conf. on Basin Dynamics, Facies Architecture and Palaeoclimate and 34th convention of Indian Association of Sedimentologists (IAS). Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University. 19-21 Dec 2017.
4. Mahender, K.: GIS Science Education Status & Challenges in Asia. (Invited Lecture). GSDI 15 World Conf. on Spatial Enablement in the Smart Homeland. GSDI & Ministry of Disaster management, Taiwan. 28 Nov-2 Dec 2016.
5. Fernandes, G.; Iyer, S.D.; Mahender, K.: Petrology and geochemistry of Archaean Greywackes of Ribandar-Chimbel, Goa: Implication on tectonic setting. Nat. Seminar on Sedimentary basins. Indian Association of Sedimentologists. 12-14 Nov 2014.
6. Meghana, D.; Mahender, K.: Sedimentology and provenance studies of Lower Bagalkot Group of Kaladgi Basin: Implications of tectonic and sedimentation history. Nat. Seminar on Sedimentary basins. Indian Association of Sedimentologists. 12-14 Nov 2014.
7. Nageshwar, S.; Verlekar, P.; Mahender, K.: Mineralogic and petrographic study of Proterozoic carbonate rocks of Kaladgi Basin. Nat. Seminar on Sedimentary basins. Indian Association of Sedimentologists. 12-14 Nov 2014.
8. Mahender, K.: The assessment of Limestone Resources in Duqm, Oman. (Invited Talk). Field Seminar. Desert Minerals LLC, Salalah, Oman. 1 Mar 2014.