Presentations at Conferences database records items from 2013 onwards
2 Papers presented by Prof. Naik, D.G.

1. Pawar, V.M.; Naik, D.G.; Pal, R.; Bakshi, A.K.; Nadkarni, V.S.: Development of polymeric track detectors for Neutron dosimetry. Int. Conf. on Polymer Science and Technology (SPSI-MACRO-2018) . IISER-Pune, Maharashtra. 19-22 Dec 2018.

2. Naik, D.G.; Nadkarni, V.S.: Polymerization of triallyl phosphate (TAP) and mixture of (ADC-TAP) and application in solid state nuclear track detection. (Poster). Nat. Conf. on Emerging Areas in Chemical Education and Research & National Convention of Chemistry Teachers (NCCT 2014). IIS University, Jaipur. 16-18 Oct 2014.