Presentations at Conferences database records items from 2013 onwards
11 Papers presented by Prof. Naik, S.M.
1. Naik, S.M.; Bhomkar, S.U.: Advancement in Marine Pollution Monitoring through Microbial Bioluminescence. Oral Presentation. Ninth National Conference of Ocean Society of India (OSICON 25). CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Goa. 5-7 Feb 2025.
2. Fadte, S.; Naik, S.M.: Assessing the impacts of heavy metal on the growth and physiology of phytoplankton. Oral Presentation. National Conference on Mangroves for Climate Change mitigation and sustainability of the coastal populace (NCMCS 2024) . P.E.S.'s Ravi. S. Naik College of Arts and Science in association with Mangrove Society of India and Goa State Biodiversity Board, Goa . 26-27 Jul 2024.
3. Gawande, S.; Naik, S.M.: Adaptive strategies of phytoplankton in response to fluctuating salinity conditions. Oral Presentation. National Conference on Mangroves for Climate Change mitigation and sustainability of the coastal populace (NCMCS 2024) . P.E.S.'s Ravi. S. Naik College of Arts and Science in association with Mangrove Society of India and Goa State Biodiversity Board, Goa . 26-27 Jul 2024.
4. Naik, S.M.; Ranga Rao, V.; Ramana Murthy, M.V.: Seasonal shift in pCO2 source and sink status in the eastern Arabian Sea. Oral Presentation. 5th International Symposium on the Ocean in a High CO2 World. Pedro Ruiz Gallo National University, Lima, Peru, South America . 12-16 Sep 2022.
5. Naik, S.M.; Gupta, G.V.M.; Ranga Rao, V.; Ramana Murthy, M.V.: Seasonality in dissolved inorganic carbon dynamics from the major estuaries of western India. Oral Presentation. International Indian Ocean Science Conference (IIOSC). CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Goa. 14-18 Mar 2022.
6. Naik, S.M.; Gupta, G.V.M.; Durga Rao, G.; Ranga Rao, V.; Ramana Murthy, M.V.: Seasonal inorganic carbon dynamics of the eastern Arabian Sea. Oral Presentation, Best Paper Award. International Symposium on Advances in Coastal Research with special reference to Indo-Pacific. National Centre for Coastal Research, Chennai, India. 17-19 Dec 2019.
7. Naik, S.M.; Gupta, G.V.M.; Harikrishnachari, N.V.; Sudheesh, V.; Durga Rao, G.; Ranga Rao, V.; Ramana Murthy, M.V.: Eastern Arabian Sea is a net annual source of CO2 to atmosphere. Oral Presentation. Sixth Biennial Conference of Ocean Society of India (OSICON 2019). Centre for Marine Living Resources and Ecology, Kochi . 12-14 Dec 2019.
8. Naik, S.M.; Anil, A.C.: Influence of darkness on pigment of Tetraselmis indica (Chlorodendrophyceae, Chlorophyta). Oral Presentation. 11th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) Symposium. University of Mauritius, Mauritius. 1-6 Jul 2019.
9. Naik, S.M.; Anil, A.C.: Survival in the dark: strategies adopted by Tetraselmis indica (Chlorodendrophyceae, Chlorophyta). Poster Presentation. 11th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA) Symposium. University of Mauritius, Mauritius. 1-6 Jul 2019.
10. Sebastian, T.; Naik, S.M.; Nath, B.N.; Borole, D.V.: Anthropogenic imprints on a sediment core off Goa from the Arabian Sea - A rock magnetic and geochemical studies. Poster Presentation. Fourth Biennial Conference of Ocean Society of India (OSICON 2015). CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Goa. 22-24 Mar 2015.
11. Naik, S.M.; Nath, B.N.; Borole, D.V.: 210Pbexcess based geochronology of a sediment core off Goa. Poster Presentation, Consolation Prize. World Ocean Day. CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Goa. 8-12 Jun 2012.