Presentations at Conferences database records items from 2013 onwards
9 Papers presented by Prof. Parab, J.S.

1. Parab, J.S.: Biomedical and agro Instrumentation. Refresher Course Natural science. UGC-HRDC, Goa Univ. 7 Mar 2019.

2. Parab, J.S.; Sequeira, M.; Gad, R.S.; Naik, G.M.: Effect of reduced point NIR spectroscopy on glucose prediction error in human blood tissue. The World Thematic Conf. - Biomedical Engineering and Computational Intelligence (Springer BIOCOM 2018). Springer. 30-31 Oct 2018.

3. Araujo, V.; D'souza, A.; Talekar, S.; Gad, R.S.; Naik, G.M.; Parab, J.S.: Trolley bag tracking system using sub GHz nodes in a LoWPAN network. 11. Annual Nat. Symp. on VLSI and Embedded System. Goa University. 22-23 Mar 2018.

4. Pinto, C.F.; Parab, J.S.; Naik, G.M.: Filtering of PPG signals to estimate heart rate and oxygen saturation using the soft-core processor. 11. Annual Nat. Symp. on VLSI and Embedded System. Goa University. 22-23 Mar 2018.

5. Sequeira, M.; Parab, J.S.; Gad, R.S.; Naik, G.M.: Development of instrumentation for reflectance parameter measurement for non-invasive glucose estimation. 11. Annual Nat. Symp. on VLSI and Embedded System. Goa University. 22-23 Mar 2018.

6. Sequeira, M.; Parab, J.S.; Gad, R.S.; Naik, G.M.: Electrometer amplifier using FPGA interface. 11. Annual Nat. Symp. on VLSI and Embedded System. Goa University. 22-23 Mar 2018.

7. Toraskar, A.; Prabhugaonkar, D.; Parab, J.S.; Gad, R.S.; Naik, G.M.: 3D printing system. 11. Annual Nat. Symp. on VLSI and Embedded System. Goa University. 22-23 Mar 2018.

8. Prabhu, Y.; Parab, J.S.; Gad, R.S.; Naik, G.M.: Design of Robust meter for monitoring health of trees. 11. Annual Nat. Symp. on VLSI and Embedded System. Goa University. 22-23 Mar 2018.

9. Prabhu, Y.; Parab, J.S.; Gad, R.S.; Naik, G.M.: Novel technique for timely detection of pest in cashew tree. Int. Conf. on Recent Trends in Engineering and Sciences(ICRTES)-2018. Group of Conferences, Andra Pradesh. 20-21 Feb 2018.