Presentations at Conferences database records items from 2013 onwards
10 Papers presented by Prof. Rivonker, C.U.
1. Rivonker, C.U.: Marine Bio-resource and ecosystem function: An appraisal. Nat. Conf. on Present scenario of Basic and Applied Biosciences. Srishaila Jagadguru Vageesha Panditaradhya College, Harihar, Davanagere 577601. 25 Feb 2019.
2. Rivonker, C.U.: Fish taxonomy as an integral part of Marine Biodiversity assessment. (Invited talk). Training program. Goa State Biodiversity Board, Govt. of Goa. 17 Jul 2018.
3. Rivonker, C.U.: Impact of marine biodiversity processes on the benthic ecosystem. (Invited talk). Underwater Domain Awareness Summer School. Maritime Research Centre, Pune. 2-13 Jul 2018.
4. Rivonker, C.U.: (1) Impact of human interference on coastal habitats, (2) Photosynthesis with special emphasis on marine productivity and (3) Marine biodiversity, ecosystem function, climate change and anthropogenic input. Training program on capacity building on KRP's in biology and ICT in teaching sciences at senior secondary level at all India. Central Institute of Educational Technology (NCERT), New Delhi. 2-3 Mar 2017.
5. Rivonker, C.U.: Impact of anthropogenic sources on marine biodiversity and ecosystem function. . Mahasati College of Arts, Commerce and science, Ulga, Karwar, Karnataka. 20 Jan 2017.
6. Rivonker, C.U.: Impact of marine biodiversity processes on the benthic ecosystem function. . College of Fisheries, Shirgaon, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra. 4 Aug 2016.
7. Rivonker, C.U.: Status and need of eco-tourism in Goa. Int. Conf. on Conservation of Water Bodies for Sustainable Utilization. Malkolak Institute of Marine Studies (M-IMS), Goa. 24-25 Mar 2015.
8. Rivonker, C.U.: Coastal Habitats, CRZ and Management. (Invited Talk). Workshop on Preserving Indigenous Flora and Fauna, Local Varieties and Breeds. Goa State Biodiversity Board and National Biodiversity Board at ICG, Goa. 17 Nov 2014.
9. Phadte, V.P.; Rivonker, C.U.: Recent trends of demersal marine fish and invertebrate production in South East Asia: An appraisal. Invited talk. India-ASEAN Workshop on Ballast water Management. Kantary Hills, Chiang Mai, Thailand. 26-28 Nov 2013.
10. Phadte, V.P.; Rivonker, C.U.: New distributional records of marine demersal fauna from coastal waters of India. Invited talk. India-ASEAN Workshop on Ballast water Management. Kantary Hills, Chiang Mai, Thailand. 26-28 Nov 2013.