Presentations at Conferences database records items from 2013 onwards
35 Papers presented by Prof. Tripathi, R.

1. Tripathi, R.: Ideas of India. Media and the Idea of India. Karnatak University Dharwad. 23 Mar 2019.

2. Tripathi, R.: Democracy and the Indian Constitution: Some underlying challenges. The Development of Indian Constitution and The Contemporary Challenges to Modern India. Don Bosco College, Goa. 5-6 Mar 2019.

3. Tripathi, R.: Politics of Image and Media. Refresher Course in English. UGC-HRDC, Goa Univ. 28 Feb 2019.

4. Tripathi, R.: Emerging regional and global scenarios: India and South Asia. India Hungary Dialogue. Indian Council of World Affairs and Institute of Foreign Affairs and Trade, New Delhi. 21 Jan 2019.

5. Tripathi, R.: Interdiscplinarity in Higher Education. 103rd Orientation Programme. UGC-HRDC, Goa Univ. 3 Jan 2019.

6. Tripathi, R.: Recovering regionalism in South Asia: SAARC and beyond. (Invited Lecture). . School of International Studies, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar. 2 May 2018.

7. Tripathi, R.: Political economy of Indira Gandhi regime. Int. Conf. on 'Indira Gandhi: Revisiting her Policies. St Agnes College, Mangalore. 19-20 Mar 2018.

8. Tripathi, R.: India's role in Middle East-Look East policy. (Invited Lecture). . Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur. 19 Feb 2018.

9. Tripathi, R.: Global South: A South Asian perspective. Int. Conf. on Evolving Global Order and International Relations: Perspectives from the Global South. Goa University; Indian Council of World Affairs; World International Studies Committee, Zurich. 8-9 Dec 2017.

10. Tripathi, R.: . Nat. Conf. on State Politics in India: Perspectives from Western Region. ICSSR Western Region; Dhempe College Miramar. 21 Nov 2017.

11. Tripathi, R.: Workers, marginality and its contestations: A case study of mining workers in Goa. Workshop on Workers and Margins. Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta. 24 Mar 2017.

12. Tripathi, R.: India through the Pakistani mind: An exploratory study. Nat. Seminar on The India-Pakistan Conflict: Assessing India's Options. Dept. International Relations, Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod. 20-21 Mar 2017.

13. Tripathi, R.: Reclaiming dialogue in politics. (Invited Lecture). Nat. Seminar on Nurturing Dialogue: Forms, Persons and Institutions. Carmel College for Women, Nuvem, Goa.. 15 Mar 2017.

14. Tripathi, R.: Making sense of an uncertain world: International political economy and the global south. Globalization and international relations: Political economic and cultural implications on the global south. Dept. of Political Science, Hyderabad Central University, Hyderabad. 14-15 Mar 2017.

15. Tripathi, R.: Goa: A Political economy Perspective. (Invited Lecture). Conf. on Ensuring Accountability in Goa 2030: Challenges and Opportunities. ARA Cell, CES College, Cuncolim. 25 Feb 2017.

16. Tripathi, R.: Atrocities against SC-STs and minorities and safeguards available. (Invited Lecture). Workshop on Human Rights and Marginal Groups. V.M Salgaonkar College of Law, Miramar, Goa. 9 Feb 2017.

17. Tripathi, R.: Identity and politics: A South Asian perspective. (Invited Lecture). Symp. on Identity Politics in making of Conflict or Confluence. Committee for the Apostolate of Inter-Religious-Dialogue in collaboration with the Committee for the Apostolate of Inculturation, Margaon. 27 Jan 2017.

18. Tripathi, R.: 1) India-Japan partnership and 2) India and the emerging global political economy. (Invited Lectures). . College of International Relations, Nihon University Mishima, Japan. 10-11 Jun 2016.

19. Tripathi, R.: India's soft power dilemma in South Asia: Opportunity or challenge. Nat. Seminar on India's Soft Power and Cultural Diplomacy. Centre for International Relations, Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi. 11-12 Apr 2016.

20. Tripathi, R.: From region to the world: Significance of South Asia in India's global aspirations. Int. Conf. on Emergence of India as a Global Power: Challenges and Opportunities. Dhempe College of Arts & Science. 28-29 Mar 2016.

21. Tripathi, R.: Redefining cooperation in South Asia in emerging global political economy. Int. Seminar on Imagining South Asia in 2030: Emerging Trends, Challenges and Alternatives. MISARC Centre for South Asian Studies, Pondicherry. 1-3 Mar 2016.

22. Tripathi, R.: Political Economy of Reforms, Redistribution and Change in South Asia: The Role of Regional Cooperation. Int. Conf. on Promoting Socio-Economic Equity in South Asia: Challenges and Prospects. National Science Foundation/ICSSR, Colombo. 15-16 Jul 2015.

23. Tripathi, R.: Mapping international political economy in South Asia. Int. Conf. New Directions in International Political Economy. University of Warwick. 13-15 May 2015.

24. Tripathi, R.: Positioning India in the global political economy. Nat. Seminar on Re-conceptualizing Indian Foreign Policy. Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. 30 Apr-1 May 2015.

25. Tripathi, R.: SAARC. Int. Conf. on India and the Neighbours: Policy Options for the New Government. Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. 24-25 Mar 2015.

26. Tripathi, R.: Re imagining South Asia in India's Asian aspirations. Int. Conf. on India's Asian Order: Culture, Economy and Security. University of Mumbai. 8-10 Dec 2014.

27. Tripathi, R.: Politics, new social media and mobilization in India. Indian Political Economy Association Annu. Conf.. Giri Institute of Development studies, Lucknow. 15-16 Nov 2014.

28. Tripathi, R.: India's economic diplomacy and multilateral financial institutions. Workshop on Mobilizing the State: Indian Economic Diplomacy in the 21st Century. Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi. 11-12 Oct 2014.

29. Tripathi, R.: International Political Economy: Growth of an Interdiscipline. (Invited Talk). Special Lecture. Dept. of International Relations, Gujarat Central University. 1-15 Apr 2014.

30. Tripathi, R.: Introduction to Human Rights. (Invited Talk). Conf. on Human Rights. Dhempe College of Arts and Science and National Human Rights Commission, New Delhi. 30 Jan 2014.

31. Tripathi, R.: Is there a Global South?: Perspective from South Asia. Ann. Int. Studies Conf. Is there a Global South?: Perspective from South Asia. School of International Studies, JNU, New Delhi. 10-12 Dec 2013.

32. Tripathi, R.: External Manifestations of India's Vulnerable Political Economy. 17. Ann. Conf. External Manifestations of India's Vulnerable Political Economy. Indian Political Economy Association, School of Economics, University of Hyderabad. 9-10 Nov 2013.

33. Tripathi, R.: Research Methodology. (Invited Talk). Naval High Command Course. College of Naval Warfare, INS Mandovi, Goa. 1 Oct 2013.

34. Tripathi, R.: Positioning India in the Global Political Economy. (Invited Talk). Special Lecture. Dept. of Political Science, Hyderabad Central University. 1-16 Aug 2013.

35. Tripathi, R.: Contemporary International Political Economy and National Security. Nat. Sem. National Security: Changing Contours of Concept and its Concerns. V.P.M’s Centre for International Studies, Thane. 15-16 Jul 2013.