S.No. |
Country |
Filing date |
Application_no |
Grant date |
Patent no |
Title |
Inventors |
Patentee |
1 | Australia | 2021-07-18 | 2021104280 | 2022-05-04 | 2021104280 | A method for treating cancer cells using anti-cancer treating plant extract | Naik, A.V.; Krishnan, S. | Naik, A.V.; Krishnan, S. |
2 | Japan | 2003-11-07 | PCT/IB2003/005000 | 2010-04-30 | JP4504311 | Process for producing an alkaline protease from a deep-sea fungus | Raghukumar, C.; Damare, S.R.; Muraleedharan, U. | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research |
3 | India | 2003-10-30 | 1342/DEL/2003 | 2011-02-18 | 246169 | A process for production of low temperature active alkaline protease | Raghukumar, C.; Damare, S.R.; Muraleedharan, U. | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research |