S.No. |
Country |
Filing date |
Application_no |
Grant date |
Patent no |
Title |
Inventors |
Patentee |
1 | India | 2023-11-16 | 202321078002 | Grant awaited | | Sn-Ni Hybrid Microstructure and a method of Synthesizing Sn-Ni Hybrid Microstructure | Morajkar, P.P. | Goa University |
2 | India | 2018-11-19 | 201821043569 | 2020-08-19 | 344489 | Method for synthesis of Diammmonium Monomolybdate | Srinivasan, B.R.; Morajkar, S. | Goa University |
3 | India | 2018-01-01 | 201821000046 | 2021-08-18 | 374807 | A method to synthesize tungsten trioxide nanorods | Morajkar, P.P.; Salkar, A.V. | Goa University |
4 | India | 2016-06-24 | 201621021793 | 2023-03-29 | 427415 | Allylic thiodiglycol sulfone carbonate, polymers thereof and their use in detection of ionizing radiations | Nadkarni V.S.; Naik, D.G. | Goa University |
5 | India | 2011-07-21 | 192/MUM/2011 | Grant awaited | | Metal complexes for enhancing the oxygen scavenging action of hydrazine | Rane, K.S.; Bandodkar, S.S. | Rane, K.S.; Bandodkar, S.S. |
6 | India | 2011-06-07 | 1663/MUM/2011 | 2015-03-13 | 265758 | A catalyst for complete conversion of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide at room temperature and process of preparing same | Salker, A.V. | Salker, A.V.; Kunkalelar, R.K. |
7 | India | 2010-08-27 | 2401/MUM/2010 | 2014-03-20 | 259609 | Room temperature oxidation of carbon monoxide to carbondioxide | Salker, A.V.; Kunkalelar, R.K. | Salker, A.V. |
8 | India | 2003-12-19 | 1291/MUM/2003 | 2007-03-30 | 205409 | Process for preparation of carbonic acid esters from diethanolamine and polymers thereof | Nadkarni, V.S.; Tilve, S.G.;; Mascarenhas, A.A.A. | Goa University |
9 | WIPO | 2003-03-26 | WO/2004/085417; PCT/IN2003/000083 | Grant awaited | | Novel sesquiterpene oxides as perfuming and flavouring agents | Wahidullah, S.; Govenkar, M.B.; Paknikar, S.K. | Wahidullah, S.; Govenkar, M.B.; Paknikar, S.K. |
10 | India | 1999-12-27 | 957/BOM/1999 | Grant awaited | 196627 | An improved process for preparation of carbonates | Nadkarni V.S.; Tilve, S.G.; Mascarenhas, A.A.A. | Nadkarni V.S., Tilve, S.G.; Mascarenhas, A.A.A. |