Patents of the Department/School of: Physical and Applied Sciences
Click on the Title for patent info. on Internet (some links take you to search screen wherein you require searching by application number, patent number, etc).

S.No. Country Filing date Application_no Grant date Patent no Title Inventors Patentee
1India2021-10-28202121049475Grant awaitedA non-invasive device for glucose prediction in human blood using PpgSequeira, M.; Parab, J.S.; Lanjewar, M.; Shaikh, A.; Pinto, C.; Naik, G.M.Goa University
2India2021-10-26202121049158Grant awaitedMachine learning based system to accurately detect the adulteration in spicesParab, J.S.; Lanjewar, M.; Sequeira, M.; Shaikh, A.; Naik, G.M.Goa University
3India2020-09-30202021042421 Grant awaitedAn improved unmanned fruit and nut harvesting deviceGad, R.S.; Pednekar, A.R.; Desai, A.R.Goa University & ICAR
4India2017-07-29201721022813Grant awaitedUnmanned remote controlled palm tree harvesting robotGad, R.S.; Pednekar, A.R.; Desai, A.R.; Parab, J.S.; Naik, G.M.; Gaonkar, M.V.Goa University & ICAR
5India1999-12-28970/BOM/1999 AGrant awaitedNovel rare-earth phosphate glasses and a process for the preparation of said glassesDesa, J.A.E.; Shikerkar, A.P.G.Goa University