75 PhD Students currently registered with School: Biological Sciences and Biotechnology

S.No. Guide; Co-guide Student Topic Regis_Dt yyyy-mm-dd FT_PT* Qualifying Exam Support
1Barros, U.Dias, Perantho EvanHarnessing the nutraceutical potential of common seaweed/s of Goa2014-01-30FT
2Bhandari, R.Fal Dessai, Prince PrashantGreen synthesis of silver nanoparticles using marine algae2025-01-20PTGUPET
3Bhandari, R.D'Silva, RoystonExploring the Potential of Brown Algae-Derived Seaweed Extract from Goa Coast as a Biostimulant to Mitigate Salt Stress in Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Plants2023-12-30FTNET/SET
4Bhandari, R.Jamuni, Vishal ArjunExogenous Supplementation of Nitric Oxide (NO) and Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) to Alleviate Salinity Stress in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Plants2023-12-30PTNET
5Bhandari, R.Chahal, ShrishtiWastewater phycoremediation for nutrient removal and production of algal biomass2021-01-15FT
6Charya, L.S.Kamat, Manasi DeepakStress Biology and pigmentation in pisoliyhus sp2020-03-12FTSET
7Charya, L.S.Salkar, Komal SumantStudies on quorum quenching in bacteria using natural biomolecules and synthetic compounds2019-09-17FTJRF
8Charya, L.S.Marathe, Aabha Arun Studies on bioactive compounds and an enzyme from yeasts isolated from sediments of mangroves of coast of Goa2019-05-16FTSET
9D'Costa, A.H.Kandukuri, SravyaAnalysis of selected Environmental factors and their role in nephrotoxicity in Canacona, South Goa2022-11-14FTGU-PET
10D'Costa, A.H.Sinha, Ankit AnandToxicity studies of microplastics in freshwater fishes in vivo.2022-05-20FTCSIR-JRF/GATE/SET
11D'Costa, A.H.Moye, Shweta VinayakLimnological studies on Toxicity Status of selected rivers in Goa2022-05-19FTSET
12D'Costa, A.H.Kundaikar, Gandhita VasantNutritional profiling of Marine and Brackish water fishes and to study anti-inflammatory effect of isolated active compounds on model organism/ effect of formulated fish feed on framed fishes2022-05-16PTSET
13Desai Shirodkar, M.Sail, Pratiksha PayakDeveloping artificial intelligence tool for wetland bird population monitoring2025-01-20FTGUPET
14Desai Shirodkar, M.Vaishnavi BhartiStudy on Habitat Preferences of Birds in Wetlands of Goa2025-01-18FTGUPET
15Desai Shirodkar, M.Gaude, Pooja ChandrakantDesigning Acoustic AI tool to monitor birds in mangroov habitats2025-01-18FTGUPET
16Desai Shirodkar, M.Sharma, SakshiAcoustic Communication in Hornbills edemic to Western Ghats2023-04-04FTGATE/NET
17Dessai, S.N.Natekar, Tanya RamchandraEvaluation of Glycyrrhiza glabra In Improving Neuropathological Responses In Alzheimer's Disease Rodent Model2023-03-13FTGU-PET
18Dessai, S.N.Khorjuvekar, Shreya GajananAutism Spectrum Disorder- Risk Gene Expression Dynamics in Brain and blood of Gallus gallus2022-11-15FTGU-PET
19Dessai, S.N.Viegas, SashaCell Culture Systems from Litopenaeus vannamei: Development, pathological and toxicological evaluation2022-11-14FTSET
20Dessai, S.N.Nadkarni, Santoshi GurudasAmino acid profile of fishes found in Goa and their recommendation as supplementary food in case of neurodegenerative diseases2022-05-20FTMPHIL
21Garg, S.Naik, Madhuri VinodPlant growth promoting bacteria from coastal sand dunes as biofertilisers for arid and semi arid regions2023-12-23FTGATE
22Garg, S.Hayder, Idrees HusseinSalvadora Persica and its effect on mouth Bateria and its health effect2021-04-15FTForeign Student (ICCR)
23Garg, S.Prabhu, Rajani BalkrishnaExploring the industrial and biotechnological potential of halophilic brevibacterium.2021-01-15PTSET
24Garg, S.Mayenkar, Snigdha SharadFungi associated with ants of the Western Ghats of Goa2019-09-19PTNET
25Garg, S.Mapari, Dviti DayanandMechanism of salt tolerance in Brevibactrium: Biochemical, physiological and molecular studies2018-11-16PT
26Garg, S.Gariyan, Asha LaxmanIsolation & screening of bioflim forming bacteria from mangrove escosystem for treatment of arsenate contaminated water2014-09-23PT
27Ghadi, S.C.Mawal, Swapnil SunilCharacterization of Microplastic & nanoplastic from selected Goan Ecosystem2025-01-15FTICAR-AICE-JRF
28Ghadi, S.C.Niranjan Penny HasleenBarcoding of Fishes & its correlation with Environmental DNA (e DNA)2025-01-13FTNET
29Ghadi, S.C.Da Costa, Elaine AntoinetteExploring the genome of carrageenolytic bacteria for production of therapeutic oligosaccharides2021-06-26FTGATE
30Ghadi, S.C.Jadhav, Devika RavindraMining of a bacterial genome for a polysaccharide degrading gene with therapeutic potential2021-06-22FTGATE
31Ghadi, S.C.Kotecha, Hetika SandeepTherapeutic potential of Oligosaccharides obtained from enzymatic hydrolysis of a marine Polysaccharide2021-01-08FTGATE
32Ghadi, S.C.Manerikar, Veda VinayStudies on distribution of micro plastics and associated bacterial communities in marine habitats2020-02-26FTSET
33Ghadi, S.C.Faria, NicolaCharacterization of bacteriophage from a hot spring2014-09-26FT
34Ghadi, S.C.Gois, Angelia DeliciaCloning of polysaccharide degrading genes from unculturable bacteria using metagenomic approach2014-01-30FT
35Jalmi, S.K.Almeida, Allan JoseInvestigating the Microbiome Diversity and Functional Insights in the Rhizospheres of Avicenniu murins and Rhizophora mucronata2024-05-02FTSET
36Jalmi, S.K.Gaude, Aishwarya AshokInvestigating rice secondary metabolite regulation under environmental stresses2022-11-14FTNET, SET, JRFUGC-JRF
37Jalmi, S.K.Desai, ShitalTranscriptomic approach to understand salt stress tolerance in Korgut - a traditional rice variety of Goa2022-05-18FTNET/CSIR NET/KSETDST- WISE Fellowship
38Jalmi, S.K.Siqueira, Roxiette HerominaExploring microbiota of salt tolerant rice variety of Goa and its role in imparting stress tolerance.2022-05-18FTGUPETDST-INSPIRE Fellowship
39Janarthanam, M.K.; Kerkar, V.Fernandes, Akshatra Pracy Phenology ficus species in Cotigao wildlife sanctuary and its implications on frugivores2019-09-24PT
40Kamat, N.M.Albuquerque, Marina FatimaBioprospecting cashews for microorganisms useful in feni and wine fermentations and other biotechnological applications2016-02-24PTNET
41Kerkar, S.Kaskar, Rakshita RamaBioprospecting of Goan saltpans for pigment producing bacteria and its biolechnological applications2020-02-26FTSET
42Kerkar, S.Naik, Varsha Narayan SunilAssessment of the nutritive value of Goa Cowpea 3 (Vigna Unguiculata) cultivar and its symbiotic applicatio2018-11-22PTNET
43Kerkar, S.Rane, DeeptiStudies on microporous Ag-SiO2 based anticorrosive nanoparticles for mitigation of Sulphate reducing bacteria induced microbial corrosion2018-11-21FTDBT-JRF
44Kerkar, S.Ameen, Noha InamStudy and characterization of compatible solutein saltpan bacteria and their application2018-10-01FTForeign Student (Self Finance)
45Kerkar, S.Gawas, Priti DattaramSignificance of Sulphur Oxidizing bacteria from saltpans of Goa and their ecological relationship with Sulfate reducing bacteria2017-03-30FTJRF
46Krishnan, S.Kerkar, Gunjan GurudasPhytochemical Analysis, Pharmacognostical Evaluation and Biological Activities of Tabernaemontana species2023-12-31FTGU-PET
47Krishnan, S.Gaonkar, Pranjali MahendraEthnomedicinal studies, phytochemical analysis and antiurolithiatic activity of selected medicinal plants for kidney stone disease2022-11-15FTGU-PET
48Krishnan, S.Gaonkar, Vaishali UdayPalynological studies of selected group of angiosperms2021-11-14FT
49Krishnan, S.Quadros, Celly Ethnobotanical studies of plants used by tribes of South Goa district of Western Ghats2021-11-13PTSET
50Krishnan, S.Dabolkar, Arti PremanandNatural dyes from plant source as biological & textile stains for commercialization2021-01-18FTSET
51Krishnan, S.Revankar, Divyarani ShantaramStudies on uptake and effect of nano and microplastics in naturally occurring plants and cultivated crops2021-01-18FT
52Krishnan, S.Nadar, Annie PrincyBiochemical profiling, Biosynthesis and characterisation of nanoparticles from selected Syzygium species2018-11-29FTDST Inspire Fellowship
53Muraleedharan, U.D.Naik, Pingal GopinathBioactive cationic peptides from mangroves plants and marine microbes2014-09-25FT
54Naik, M.M.Coelho, LinusBioprospecting of quorum quenching molecules from Bacteria isolated from mangrove ecosystem2022-05-11FTASRB-NET
55Naik-Samant, S.Shaikh, FazilaProspecting the interaction of nanomaterials with extremely halophilic saltpan microorganisms2022-05-13FTGATE
56Prabhu, M.S.Gaonkar, Paresh GajananEnvironmental Biotechnology2024-01-02FTGU-PET
57Prabhu, M.S.Naik Shirodkar, Trusha JanrajValorization of seaweed biomass for value added products2023-12-31FTGU-PET
58Prabhu, M.S.Padate, Manasi Yeshwant MadhuraExtraction of Phosphorus from Filamentous Algae Grown in Wastewater: A Circular Economy Approach for Phosphorus Recovery2022-11-14PTNET
59Prabhu, M.S.Salgaonkar, Diksha ChandrakishorIntegrated marine macroalgae biorefinery for the production of starch, bioplastic and ethanol2022-05-14FTSET
60Rodrigues, B.F.Khanolkar, Vinayak RajaramDiversity and Ecological Studies of Mangroves of Goa2021-11-14FT
61Rodrigues, B.F.Shirodker, Amisha GokuldasStudies on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in wild and cultivated tubers, found in Goa2019-09-23FT
62Roy, R.Fernandes, Mouvin FranciscoEffect of heavy metal pollution on the osmoregulatory processes in mud crab Scylla serata (Forskal, 1775)2017-11-07PTNET
63Salgaonkar, B.B.Nadodkar, Siddhi DeelipInvestigation of extremazymes for bioremediation of waste using polyexiremotolerant microorgnisms from solar saltern2024-01-01FTNET
64Salgaonkar, B.B.Pawar, Gandisha MassoStudies on Biomolecules from halophilic archaea and bacteria from Indian Solar Salteens2022-05-13FTNET/GATE/SET
65Salgaonkar, B.B.Naik, Tejas JagannathStudies on halophilic Archaea and bacteria for the synthesis of carotenoids and polyhydroxyalkanoates and its applications2022-05-13FTNET/GATE/SET
66Sawant, N.S.Naik, Sagar DamodarUnderstanding the spatial and functional dimensions on spider community (Arachnida-Aranae) across elevational gradients of Western Ghats, Goa2023-12-20FTGU-PET
67Sawant, N.S.Gawas, Mayur MohanA study on ecology of amphibians along the Western Ghats of Goa, India2021-11-22FTGATE
68Sawant, N.S.Rane, Shubham ShrikantTaxonomy, comparative phylogeography and ecology of anurans (Tentative)2021-07-15FTGATE
69Sawant, N.S.Bowalkar, Dipak YeshwantEcological studies on two groups of vertebrates and two groups of invertebrates from three plateaus from South Goa2021-01-19PTSET
70Shaikh, S.Vaigankar, Viraj SudeshMitigating Aquafarming Challanges Through Nanoparticles Composites2025-01-20FTGU-PET
71Shaikh, S.Dafale, Bhakti YeshwantEstablishment of cell cultures from Scylla olivacea for pathogenic susceptibility screening2022-11-15FTGU-PET
72Shaikh, S.Rebelo, SaritaFunctionalization of nanoparticles for enhancing drug delivery efficacy to mitigate nanoparticle toxicity2022-11-14FTGU-PET
73Shaikh, S.Furtado, Swizzle RitaGreen Synthesis of Metallic nonoparticles2022-11-14PTGU-PET
74Sharma, P.K.Salgoankar, Sushama PradeepPhytochemical analysis of diospyros species IQ members of ebanacea family and screening for antimicrobial activity2021-01-15PTGATE/SET
75Sharma, P.K.Pai, Ravina Ramanand (Raksha)Response of exogenous application of salicylic acid on induction of stress tolerance in salt stressed rice plants2019-09-19FT
Click on 'Publications' for the theses of the students completed their studies in the School