60 PhD Students currently registered with School: Chemical Sciences

S.No. Guide; Co-guide Student Topic Regis_Dt yyyy-mm-dd FT_PT* Qualifying Exam Support
1Barretto, D.A.Rebello, MelitaGreen Synthesis of Metallic Nanoparticles as endophytes from medicinal plants and their Biological applications2025-01-20FTGU-PET
2Barretto, D.A.Sattarker, Saurav DayanandIsolation and characterisation of anti-microbial peptides from probiotic strains obtained from Goan traditional fermented foods & their therapeutic applications2024-01-01PTSET
3Barretto, D.A.Shaikh, Rehan Noor AhmedIsolation and characterisation of anti-microbial peptides from selected fruits of Goa and their biological applications2023-12-21FTGUPET
4Bhosale, S.V.Shreechippa, Pooja VitthalSynthesis of Porphyrin Derivatives for Supramolecular applications2021-07-08FTSET/GATE
5Bhosale, S.V.Mirgane, Harshad AnilSynthesis and characterisation of organic molecules for optoelectronic applications.2021-01-13FTGATE/SET
6Bhosale, S.V.Gawade, Vilas KeshavSynthesis and Characterisation of organic framework materials for gas adsorption and catalytic applications2021-01-13FTJRF-NET/SETJRF
7Bugde, S.T.Gaonkar, Manjusha MahadevElectro-Organic synthesis of biologically active heterocyclic compounds and its applications2024-01-01FTNET
8Bugde, S.T.Mayanikar, Kanti HanumantSynthesis & functionalization of heterocyclic compounds by visible light induced photoredox catalysis2024-01-01FTGU-PET
9Bugde, S.T.D'Souza, Leo Francisco BlaiseSynthesis and Functionalization of Carbon quantum dots for catalysis in synthetic Orgnic transformations and biological applications2021-11-09FTSETGSRF Doctoral Fellowship
10Bugde, S.T.Khobrekar, Pritesh PrakashPhotoredox catalysts: Design, synthesis and its applications in organic methodologies2019-09-13FTGoa University Research Studentship
11Deshpande, K.B.Chandekar, Snehal ChandrakantNovel Approaches for Benefication of low grade ores.2022-11-15PTSET
12Dhuri, S.N.Gaude, Medha Madhu2024-04-18FTSET
13Dhuri, S.N.V. SwapnaChemistry of metal carboxylates containing N-donor linkers:Synthesis, Characterization and Applications.2022-11-09PTGU-PET
14Dhuri, S.N.Gauns, Disha FottuCatalytic and Biomimetic Studies of Transition and Other Metals2022-11-04FTGU-PETGSRF Doctoral Fellowship
15Dhuri, S.N.D'Souza, MilagrinaTransition Metal Chemistry-Synthesis, Characterization and Reactivity studies2021-07-09PTSETCollege Teacher
16Dhuri, S.N.Harmalkar, Nikita NonuSynthesis, characterization and application of coordination polymers2019-09-19FTSETUGC-Savitribai Jyotirao Phule Single Girl Child Fellowship
17Dhuri, S.N.Viegas, Jeffrey LauroSynthesis and Characterization of non-heme 3d metal compounds for selected applications2018-11-27PTNET-JRFCollege Teacher
18Kadam, H.K.; Mandrekar, V.K.Naik Gaonkar, Asmita SandeshSynthetic studies of anticancer focussed fused heterocyclic compounds through noble metal catalysed methodologies2020-02-20PTNET/SETCollege Teacher
19Kadam, H.K.; Mandrekar, V.K.Salgaonkar, Lalitprabha NamdeoSynthetic studies of medicinally important fused oxygen and/or nitrogen heterocycles2019-09-18PTIndustry
20Kadam, H.K.; Mandrekar, V.K.Pinto, Kathleen CelestineSynthetic studies of medicinally important isoxazoles, pyrazolines and related hetrocycles using green methods2019-09-17PT SETCollege Teacher
21Kharangate, A.D'Souza, Nezlyn CressidaBioprospecting of Rhizobacteria from Coastal Sand Dunes of Goa and their Potential Applications in Bioremediation and Agriculture2022-05-17PTSET
22Kundaikar, S.A.Velip, Deepti KrishnaDesigning polyoxometalate based materials for electrochemical sensing applications2024-01-01FTSET
23Kunkalekar, R.K.Thanekar, Shradha RajanNanosized Metal Oxide Based Catalysts for Obliteration of Persistent Environment Pollutants2025-01-19FTGU-PET
24Kunkalekar, R.K.Naik, Shubhlaxmi KrishnanathSynthesis of metal oxide nanomaterials and its catalytic applications2022-05-17PTSET
25Kunkalekar, R.K.Namrata KumariPreparation, characterization and catalytic application of metal oxides and mixed metal oxides nano-catalysts 2021-11-14FTGATE
26Kunkalkar, R.A.Colaco, Ria Infancia VelerieDirect intramolecular coupling of Sp3 C-H bonds via 1,5- Hydride tranfer cyclisation for the synthesis of pharmaceutically important hetrocycles2024-01-01FTNET
27Kunkalkar, R.A.Kunkalkar, Vanita ShanuLight mediated rearrangement of organic compunds and total synthesis of bioactive natural products.2022-11-08FTSET
28Mandrekar, V.K.Kinalekar, Purva MahadevSynthetic studies on bioactive natural products and their analogues2023-12-31FTGU-PET
29Mandrekar, V.K.Venji, NiteshPolymer supported reagents in organic synthesis and synthetic studies in natural/Medicinal products.2021-11-13FTNET-JRF, GATE, SET
30Mandrekar, V.K.Salgaonkar, Siddhi KrishnanathOrganocatalysis in organic transformations and synthesis of natural products2021-07-08FTNET-JRF
31Mandrekar, V.K.; Kadam, H.K.Naik, Anuja Babani Synthetic studies in solid acid catalysed organic transformations2019-09-18PT SETCollege Teacher
32Morajkar, P.P.Da Costa, SamanthaStudies on Development of Catalytic processes for Mitigation of Diesel exhaust emisssions2021-07-08FTGSRF Doctoral Fellowship
33Morajkar, P.P.Shetgaonkar, Sarvesha SuryakantConversion of Carbondioxide into value added chemicals using nanostructured catalysts.2021-01-15FTSET/GATE, JRFDST-INSPIRE Fellowship
34Nagvenkar, A.P.Narvekar, Samidha SadanandDesigning Layered Halide Perovskite Properties for stable Photovoltaic Cells2022-05-13FTSET, GATE, NET-JRF
35Naik, D.G.Oliveira, CreciaDeavelopment of polymeric materials for nuclear track detection & deletrious gas capture studies2024-01-01FTGU-PET
36Patre, R.E.Salgaokar, Kajal NamdevSynthesis of Nitrogen and Oxygen Containing Heterocycles for chemosensing and medicinal application2025-01-21FTSET
37Patre, R.E.Ainkar, Shefali SantoshAnanlysis and Method Developement of selective chemical contaminants2023-04-14FTGU-PETGSRF Doctoral Fellowship
38Patre, R.E.Sawant, Guruprasad NarashimhBiocatalyst approach to heterocyclic alkaloids2021-11-10PTGATEIndustry
39Porob, D.G.Volvoiker, Pranav PrasadSynthesis and Structural Investigations of Ternary Oxides Containing Transition Metals2022-11-15FTGU-PET
40Porob, D.G.Gosavi, Dipika DigamberSynthesis & Structure properties correlation studies of new layered oxide2022-11-09PTSET
41Salker, A.V.; Shirsat, R.N.Ghare, Vipul MangeshSynthesis, characterization, soot oxidation and other applications of nano-based metal oxides2018-05-16PTSETAssistant Director (DHE)
42Shinkre, B.A.Patil, Pavankumar VilasSynthesis of biologically important fused aza heterocyclic compounds2023-12-28FTSET
43Shinkre, B.A.Gawade, Raneet RohidasSynthesis of Nitrogen containing fused heterocycles of biological importance2023-12-27FTGATE, NET-JRF
44Shinkre, B.A.Naik, Apeksha HiruSynthesis of polycyclic fused aza heterocycles of biological significance2022-11-08FTGU-PET
45Shinkre, B.A.Gaonkar, Sonali ShirputoFunctionalisation of Aromatic Amines for Synthesis of Diverse Heterocyclic Compounds2022-11-08FTNET, CSIR-UGC JRF, GATE
46Tilve, S.G.; Kadam, H.K.Gaikwad, Madhuri MahadevMulti-component green synthesis of heterocycles.2021-01-14FTGATE, NET-JRF
47Tilve, S.G.; Nadkarni, V.S.Kotkar, Gayatri DivakarSynthetic Transformation and Applications of 5-hydroxymethyl Furfural and Cashew Nut Shell Liquid2020-03-02FTGoa University Research Studentship
48Tilve, S.G.; Shirsat, R.N.Dias, Domnic SavioSynthesis, characterization and application of magnetically seperable nanocomposits2020-02-28PTSETCollege Teacher
49Torney, P.S.Sawant, Divya R.Synthesis of heterocyclic compounds and evaluation of their biological potential2024-01-01PTNET
50Torney, P.S.Kavalekar, Priyanka PundalikDesign, synthesis and biological activities of natural products and their glycosylated derivatives2022-05-16PTSET
51Verenkar, V.M.S.Modak, Priyanka SudinSynthesis, characterization, study of solid state properties & applications of Magnesium substituted Nickel-Zinc Ferrites2024-01-01FTGU-PET
52Verenkar, V.M.S.Gaonkar, Upma UlhasSynthesis, characterization, solid state properties & applications of Al substituted Co-Zn Ferrites2023-12-31FTGU-PET
53Verenkar, V.M.S.Fernandes, RoyleSynthesis, characterization & application of nanosized mixed metal oxides2023-12-30PTSET
54Verenkar, V.M.S.Ugvekar, Manasi ArunSynthesis,Charcterization and Study of Solid state Properties of Nikel/Aluminium doped Manganese Zinc Ferrite and their Applications2022-11-08FTGU-PETGSRF Doctoral Fellowship
55Verenkar, V.M.S.Sonam KumariSynthesis, characterization and solid state properties and application of Zn/Cd substituted Ni-Co ferrites2021-01-14FT
56Verenkar, V.M.S.Navelkar, Sanjali N.Synthesis characterisation and solid state properties of substituted Ni-Co and Ni-Mn ferrites and their applications2020-02-28FTGoa University Research Studentship
57Verenkar, V.M.S.Sawal, Mangala UlhasSynthesis, characterisation and solid state properties of pure and substituted nickel-cobalt ferrites and their applications2018-11-26FTUGC-NFOBC fellowship
58Volvoikar, P.S.Mayanikar, Kanvi HanumantSynthesis of naturally occuring N- containing marine alkanoids via c-c coupling/ c-x coupling2024-04-22FTGATE
59Volvoikar, P.S.Naidu, Vignesh R.Synthetic studies of natural occuring alkaloids its derivative and their biological studies2022-10-11FTGU-PETGSRF Doctoral Fellowship
60Volvoikar, P.S.Thakur, Geeta UdayDesign and synthesis of nitrogen based heterocycles and evolution of their biological activities2022-05-20PTSET
Click on 'Publications' for the theses of the students completed their studies in the School