S.No. |
Guide; Co-guide |
Student |
Topic |
Regis_Dt yyyy-mm-dd |
FT_PT* |
Qualifying Exam |
Support |
1 | Bhat, N.S. | Majik, Sandip Arjun | The serpent cult, sacred groves and ecological heritage of Goa: A historical analysis | 2014-09-29 | PT | | |
2 | Chavan, Bharti C. | Gaude, Sudesh Nanda | Personalised learning support for students with disabilities for enhancing inclusive education in Goa | 2025-01-22 | PT | NET | |
3 | Chavan, Bharti C. | Gaonkar, Rama Mahadev | Impact of Alchoholism on children's academic performance in schools | 2025-01-21 | PT | M. Phil | |
4 | Chavan, Bharti C. | Naik, Vidhita Kushal | A study on Psychosocial Stress & Coping Stratergies among Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Goa | 2025-01-21 | PT | NET/SET | |
5 | Chavan, Bharti C. | Gawas, Niteela Gopal | A study on Experiences of Child Sex Abuse Among Young Adults in Goa | 2025-01-21 | PT | M. Phil | |
6 | Coelho, J.P. | Nooshin Roostaei | Religious Hegemony, migration & alternate public spheres: Transnationalism among Iranian millenials in Diaspora | 2024-01-25 | FT | ICCR | |
7 | Coelho, J.P. | Asolkar, Prajot Pradeep | Occupational mobility and cultural transitions: A sociological study of Marwaris in Goa | 2023-12-22 | PT | NET | |
8 | Coelho, J.P. | Paulose, Bibin | Schism, Power and Contestations: A Sociological Study of Malankara Syrian Christians of Kerala | 2022-05-14 | FT | NET | |
9 | Coelho, J.P. | Boveio, D.S. | Between the armed forces and the armed insurgent : A sociological study of the people in Manipur and Arms Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) | 2022-05-12 | FT | NET/M. Phil. | |
10 | Coelho, J.P. | Marconi, Debbarma | Refugee influx and socio-economic transitiions among the indigenous peoples of Tripura | 2019-09-27 | FT | NET | |
11 | Desai, P.S. | Shaikh, Nazarana Banu | Role of Community Organisations in Socio-Economic Development: A study of Jammat-e-Islami Hindi, Goa. | 2024-04-25 | PT | SET | |
12 | Desai, P.S. | Naik, Prasad Shripad | Nationalism in India: A study of influence of Tilak's nation centric and Tagore's universalist idealism on contemporary nationalism | 2019-05-15 | PT | SET | |
13 | Desai, P.S. | Naik, Prachi Satyawan | Politics of dialects in Konkan region | 2018-05-14 | PT | NET | |
14 | Desai, P.S. | Singh, Shilpa Surendra Pratap | Redifining, redistribution and bargaining: A study of developmental process in post reform India | 2014-09-25 | PT | NET | |
15 | Desouza, S. | Tavares, Freda Antonio | Childlessness in Contemporary Goa: A Socio-cultural perspective | 2024-04-24 | PT | SET | |
16 | Desouza, S. | Naik, Snigdha | Articulating Intersectionality between black and dalit feminism | 2023-03-30 | PT | GU-PET | |
17 | Desouza, S. | Parab, Priti Damodar | Inter Caste relation amoung scheduled caste in Goa | 2022-11-13 | FT | GU-PET | |
18 | Desouza, S. | Parmar, Divya | Exploring the relevance of Postmodern feminist discourses vis-a-vis Constitutionalism | 2022-05-21 | PT | NET | |
19 | Desouza, S. | Ayir, Sanskruti Bhikaji | The livelihood and rights of Dhangar women in Goa | 2021-11-09 | PT | SET | |
20 | Desouza, S.; Mukhopadhyay, P. | Pednekar, Sulochana Suresh | Education, gender and public policy in India | 2015-09-15 | PT | NET | |
21 | Haldankar, A.N. | Cardozo, Raisa | Mother Godesses in Goa - A Socio-historical Study | 2024-04-25 | PT | SET | |
22 | Haldankar, A.N. | Gaunkar, Snehal Sonu | Oral naratives & Velip women: An ethnographic inquiry | 2023-12-23 | PT | NET | |
23 | Haldankar, A.N. | Shaikh, Shabali Heena Kawsar | Impact of Goan Culture on Muslim Marriage | 2022-11-15 | PT | SET | |
24 | Haldankar, A.N. | Mayekar, Rakshanda Ramesh | Old Age Homes in Goa: A sociological study | 2022-11-12 | PT | NET, SET | |
25 | Haldankar, A.N. | Naik, Keval Krishnanath | An Ethnographic Study of Paguis of Canacona, South Goa. | 2022-05-23 | PT | SET | |
26 | Haldankar, A.N. | Mullah, Gulshan | Sexuality and reproductive Health: A comparative Study of Migrant & Non Migrant women of South-Goa. | 2022-05-19 | PT | SET | |
27 | Kamat, P.P. | Prabhudessai, Arya Vijwal | Shakti worship in Goa with special reference to Goddess Kamakshi of Shiroda: A Historical Study | 2021-01-14 | FT | | |
28 | Kamat, P.P. | Marita Suresh | Jesuit Networks and Knowledge Production in mid-17th century Asia with special reference to the Jesuit Overland Survey Project of 1656-1664 | 2020-03-02 | FT | NET | |
29 | Kamat, P.P. | Pires, Lobo Anabelle | A Village in Colonial Goa : A Historical Study of Carambolim (16th- 20th centuries) | 2019-05-10 | PT | SET | |
30 | Kamat, P.P. | Parab, Datta Chandrakant | Gramadevata worship and the village communities of the Bicholim and Sattari talukas of Goa: A historical analysis | 2014-09-26 | PT | | |
31 | Lolayekar, A.P. | Cardozo, Zuzeth Desery | An Empirical Analysis of Women Health Across the States in India | 2022-11-07 | PT | NET | |
32 | Lolayekar, A.P. | Fernandes, Priscilla Bolivia | Political Representation of Women in India | 2021-11-10 | PT | SET | |
33 | Lolayekar, A.P. | Kavthankar, Avina | Child and maternal health care in India: A geospatial analysis based on NFHS | 2021-07-07 | PT | NET | |
34 | Naik, N.C. | Shetye, Sawani Rajan | Emergence and Evolution of Vaishnavism in Goa: Archeological and cultural study Goa (from 3rd Century CE till 20th Century CE) | 2024-04-26 | FT | GUPET | |
35 | Rao, N. | Kundaikar, Eunisha Tanu | Caste, gender and the making of fertility cults in pre modern Goa | 2022-05-12 | FT | JRF/NET/SET/GU-PET | |
36 | Rao, N. | Goes, Noel Sevrito | Jews in Goa | 2021-11-09 | PT | | |
37 | Rao, N. | Ghadi, Sneha Babi | Goan Hindu Diaspora in Mumbai (1800-1961) | 2021-01-12 | PT | NET | |
38 | Rao, N. | Lakshmi devi, K.C. | Nature, role and dimension of subaltern nationalistic discourse- An innate struggle of the displaced nationals form colonial Goa | 2020-03-06 | FT | M.Phil | |
39 | Rao, N. | John, Marshal J M | Carmelites in Goa 17th and 18th Centuries: Diplomacy and Mendicant Economy | 2019-09-30 | FT | | |
40 | Rao, N. | Shenvi-Khandeparker, Meghana Anant | Sahyadri Khanda: Parshurama tradition and social history of Goa | 2019-09-19 | PT | NET | |
41 | Rao, N. | Naik, Poornima Vithal | Portuguese and Sunda: Politics, trade and society | 2018-11-16 | PT | | |
42 | Salgaonkar, Seema P. | Gaded, Akbar Mohamed | Women as Political and Administrative Leaders: Exploring the Decision-Making Power and Leadership Styles | 2023-12-27 | PT | NET/SET | |
43 | Shringare, A. | Antao, Chris Electra | Peoples movement to protect their land in Goa | 2019-05-17 | PT | SET | |
44 | Shringare, A. | Gaunkar, Ravaji Vasant | Tribal Rights in Goa: Assertion and contestation | 2018-11-27 | PT | SET | |
45 | Shringare, A. | Mote, Vibha | Child abuse & state's responsibility: A case study of Goa | 2018-11-17 | FT | | |
46 | Somayaji, G. | Mahdia Hussaini | Society, Gender and Higher education: A comparison between Goa, India and Bamyan, Afghanistan | 2022-09-13 | FT | ICCR | |
47 | Somayaji, G. | Gaunkar, Sayali Krishnanand | Society, Tourism, and Power in Agonda: An Ethnographic Study of a Village in Transition | 2021-06-18 | FT | NET/SET | |
48 | Somayaji, G. | Tate, Sangeeta Rama | Nomadism, migration and settlement: Continuity and change among the Banjaras in Goa | 2021-01-19 | FT | SET | |
49 | Somayaji, G. | Araujo, Janet | School dropout in Goa: A study in Sociology of Education | 2021-01-15 | FT | SET | |
50 | Somayaji, G. | Fernandes, Venisha | Opportunities, distinctions and early schooling in South Goa: A study in Sociology of Education | 2020-06-26 | PT | NET | |
51 | Somayaji, G. | Fernandes, Evelyn Savia | Ecology, economy and society : A sociological study of Chorao Island, Goa | 2020-02-26 | PT | SET | |
52 | Somayaji, G. | Sayed, Rizwana Parveen | Planned town of Vasco-Da-Gama and its unplanned satelite settlements: A study in Sociology of suburbanisation | 2020-02-03 | PT | SET | |
53 | Somayaji, G. | Mendes, Ninotchka | Tourism, land management and livelihood transitions in coastal villages of South Goa | 2019-09-24 | PT | SET | |
54 | Somayaji, G. | Naik, Ballavva Tukaram | Tourism, shacks and the state: A study in sociology of beach tourism in Goa | 2014-09-16 | FT | | |
55 | Tripathi, R. | Naik, Ashmita Premanand | | 2025-01-08 | FT | | |
56 | Tripathi, R. | Naik, Ramrai Kaloji | The interface between Media and Voter's behaviour | 2021-11-11 | PT | SET | |
57 | Tripathi, R. | Rizvi, Fouzia Wajahat Hussain | Reimagining associational politics in India through the prism of social capital | 2021-01-09 | PT | NET | |
58 | Tripathi, R. | Shirgurkar, Dattaprasad Dileep | Comparative study of economic diplomacy during UPA and NDA regime | 2020-03-13 | PT | NET | |
59 | Tripathi, R. | Xavier, Sonia | Role of women in decision making: Public and private | 2019-09-30 | PT | SET | |
60 | Tripathi, R. | Shet Mashelkar, Siddhi Saidatta | Performance evaluation of integrated child development services with special reference to tribal dominated Panchayats of South Goa | 2019-05-15 | PT | SET | |
61 | Tripathi, R. | Sukhtankar, Mohit Krishna | Goan identity and politics: A study of the identity debate in post-liberation Goa | 2018-11-20 | PT | NET | |
62 | Tripathi, R. | DaCosta, Hegel Conchita | Identity and citizenship: A case study of Goa's out migration | 2017-11-09 | PT | M.Phil. | |
Click on 'Publications' for the theses of the students completed their studies in the School