28 PhD Students currently registered with School: Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences

S.No. Guide; Co-guide Student Topic Regis_Dt yyyy-mm-dd FT_PT* Qualifying Exam Support
1Berde, C.V.Panchal, Shubham NareshStudies on antimicrobial peptides and other antimicrobials from sponge associated bacteria isolated from the Konkan coast2023-12-26FTGU-PET
2Berde, C.V.Kaskar, Anushka ArjunHarnessing marine metal-tolerant bacteria for bioremediation, plant growth promotion and nanoparticle-based metal detection kit development2023-12-25FTGU-PET
3Can, A.A.Adith V.B.Spatial and Temporal variability of Ocean primary productivity in the Northern Arabian Sea and its driving Mechanisms2021-01-13FT
4Can, A.A.Arondekar, Avinash ArjunChlorophyll-a variability in Arabian Sea and its statistical linkages to forcing2020-02-20PTNET
5D'Costa, P.M.Botelho, Savia BernadetteStudy of Microbial Valorization of Fish Waste2025-01-08FTNET/GATE
6D'Costa, P.M.Shaikh, ImranaInvestigation of the Plastisphere communities from the Marine Environment2022-11-08FTGU-PET
7Fernandes, S.O.Nafeesathul Miziriya H.S.Diversity of Microbial Communities and their association with hydrothermally-influenced sediments along the central and south west Indian ridge2025-01-06FTNET
8Fernandes, S.O.D'Silva, Kevin JoseAssociation between minerals and microbial commonities in hydrothermally influenced sediments along central and southwest Indian Ridges2022-11-14FTGU-PET
9Kalangutkar, N.G.Suralkar, Karuna VasudevGenesis, Minerology and geochemistry of Iron-Oxide deposits2025-01-17PTSET
10Kalangutkar, N.G.Chodankar, Rupesh BharatExamination of Microplastic in Sediments/Soil and its association and correlation with Heavy metals in Goa2022-11-15FTNET
11Kalangutkar, N.G.Mhapsekar, Shritesh ShrikantStudy of Microplastic pollution from riverine environment in Goa 2021-11-08PTSET
12Lotlikar, N.P.Pednekar, Ambika SainathAdaptive response analysis of heavy metal tolerant marine derived fungi via molecular profiling2025-01-07FTGATE
13Mahender, K.; Kessarkar, P.Mayenkar, Vinita KeshavStudies on catchment sediment composition of Mandovi, Zuari and Chapora rivers of Goa 2019-09-26PTSET
14Mahender, K.; Luis, A.J.Nigam, RitwikStudy of the impact of anthropic pressure on coastal landscape and its influence upon the coastal vulnerability due to climate change along coastal tracts of South Goa district, West Coast of India2018-11-26FTNETUGC-JRF
15Matta, V.M.Rodrigues, Racheal JosephineCharacterization and source apportionment of trace metal aerosols2022-11-09FTNET
16Matta, V.M.Sankpal, Nila MadhukarInfluence of organic matter on the distribution of mercury in Mandovi-Zuari estuarine systems of Goa, west coast of India2014-09-25FT
17Menon, H.B.Patil, Partha Ashis ArchanaAnalysis of bio-optical properties in estuarine and coastal waters - Study through in-situ and remote sensing observations2018-04-27FTDST Inspire fellow
18Menon, H.B.Shaikh, Atiba Anis AhmeadAerosol characterisation over Southern Ocean and along Indian and Antarctic coast2017-11-06FTISRO-NOBLE Project
19Naik, S.M.Bhomkar, Snesha UmeshEcophysiological response of marine phytoplankton to the changing environmental conditions2022-11-10PTGATE, ICAR-NET, SET
20Nasnodkar, M.R.Varsha KumariAssessment of metal and microplastic pollution in water, sediments, and edible biota along the west coast of Goa2024-12-24FTGUPET
21Nasnodkar, M.R.Fernandes, Chelsea Julid GemmaAssessment of metal & microplastic pollution in intertidal region of estuaries along South-West coast of Maharashtra, India2023-12-18FTGU-PET
22Nasnodkar, M.R.Pereira, Jane GabriellaSpeciation of metals in sediments to determine bioavailability and metal bioaccumulation in edible biota to understand the metal toxicity in selected estuaries along the coast of Maharashtra, India.2022-11-07FTINSPIRE (JRF)
23Rivonker, C.U.; Can, A.A.Mayekar, Trivesh SureshEcosystem function and cost benefit analysis in selected coastal aquaculture systems along west coast of India2022-05-21PTNET (ICAR)
24Rivonker, C.U.Bhat, Mithila SubhashStudies on brachyuran crabs and molluscs along Chapora and Sal estuaries of Goa, West coast of India2015-09-28PT
25Sequeira, N.Shirodkar, Siddhi ShripadIntraplate Features or Terrain Boundaries Deciphering the Kinematics, Tectonic Evolution and Implications of the Regional Scale Shear Zones in Northwestern Dharwad Craton, India2024-12-20FTGUPET
26Viegas, A.Parwar, Swati ShivaGenesis of the Late Archean to Early Proterozoic Banded Iron Formations: Studies from Goa Iron Ore Deposits2022-11-11PTJRF
27Viegas, A.Cardozo, DeliaCharacteristics and Geological Significance of the coastal dikes of South Goa 2021-11-08PTSET/NET
28Viegas, A.Mayekar, Mahesh MohanHydrogeochemical characterization of groundwater in the coastal aquifers in North Goa, Goa2021-01-14PTNET/SET
Click on 'Publications' for the theses of the students completed their studies in the School