124 PhD Students currently registered with School: Goa Business School

S.No. Guide; Co-guide Student Topic Regis_Dt yyyy-mm-dd FT_PT* Qualifying Exam Support
1AnjanaRaju, G.Kudtarkar, Akshata NityanandForeign equities (epository receipts) & currency derivates: An emperical investivation2024-01-01PTNET
2AnjanaRaju, G.Lynette, Linson LynessaBehavioral Finance in Capital Markets: An Explotary and Empirical Analysis2022-11-10PTSET, UGC-NET
3AnjanaRaju, G.Mandrekar, Sparsha SureshAn Empirical Study of Environmental, Social, Goverance of selected Indian firms listed on NSE and S and PBSE ESG 100 index2021-07-14PTNET/SET
4AnjanaRaju, G.Rabada, Jitendra AlokanathAn empirical evidence of impact and relationship of exchange rate swithching on trade, volatility and economics of emerging countries and India2020-02-20FTSET
5AnjanaRaju, G.Parab, Rucha MadhuInvestor behaviour and behavioural biases in mutual funds2019-09-30PT
6AnjanaRaju, G.Palkar, Yanita CholuAn empirical analysis of buyback of shares (2000-2020) in Indian context2018-11-19PTNET
7AnjanaRaju, G.Jambotkar, Mrunalini ManoharGold as hedge or a safe haven: Evidence from world gold council classification of major gold consuming, gold producing and key currency countries2018-05-07PTNET
8Asnani, KavitaParab, Shrikrishna RavindraLeveraging Emerging Technologies for Outcome-oriented Educational Attainment and skill Development2024-12-06FTNET
9Asnani, KavitaGawde, Sunayana R.Enhancing Machine Translation Quality for low Resource Languages2024-12-06PTNET
10Asnani, KavitaD'Costa, NatashaDeveloping language models usning NLP & NL algorithms for medical and educational domains2023-12-22PTSET
11Asnani, KavitaManerkar, Sanjana DineshDesign and implemantation of algorithms using machine learning for language models2023-12-22PTSET
12Asnani, KavitaRodrigues, Melissa GrizildaDesign algorithms and models using natural language processing and learning analytics for unveiling patterns and insights in data2023-12-22PTSET
13Borde, N.Bhatia, HarshStrategic Management2025-01-28PT
14Borde, N.Phaldesai, Paricshit MahabaleshwarAgent-Based Modeling of Emergent Phenomena in Indian Stock Market2025-01-19PTNET
15Borde, N.D'Cruz, Allan ValentinoMapping stratergies for sports development2023-12-21PTGU-PET
16Borde, N.Vaz, Blanche VailankaniPersonal Financial Management Behavious in Women2023-04-02PTNET
17Borde, N.RafiullahHuman resource Management strategic leadership and performance of small scale enterprises2022-10-06FTICCR
18Borde, N.Pednekar, Motilal DaduMapping strategies in Infrastructural Development Projects2022-05-11PTNET
19Borde, N.Shalini SitaramanValuation of intangibles 2019-09-27PT
20Borde, N.Fernandes, ShelleyRelevance of Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)2019-05-15PTNET
21Borde, N.Mahatme, MadhumitaPeripheral tourism - Challenges & coping strategies2018-04-30PTM.Phil
22Dayanand, M.S.Talkar, Priti SantoshRole of stakeholder in sustainable tourism development2021-11-14PT
23Dayanand, M.S.Govekar, Supriyanka Ketan Smart Tourism destination - Impact on tourist experience & organisational efficiency2019-09-19PT
24Dayanand, M.S.Bhende, Maya KashinathAnalysis of consumption behaviour of Tourists2019-05-13PTNET
25Gawas, MahadevDalvi, Pooja TukaramDeep Learning, Computer Vision2024-04-29PTNET
26Gawas, MahadevRedkar, Hanumant HarichandraEnhancing educational technology: An integrated approach of machine learning and natural language processing for adaptive learning environments2024-01-02PTNET
27Hegde-Desai, P.Sangodkar, Rupali Vijay Impact of social capital in scaling small family business performance2024-01-01PTNET
28Hegde-Desai, P.Mendes, Gilbert AnthonyImpact of artificial intelligence on custom relationship management2023-12-30PTGU-PET
29Hegde-Desai, P.Kerkar, Mahesh MangeshEvaluating the financial wellbeing of employed youths in Lower Income Group (LIG)2023-12-22PTNET
30Hegde-Desai, P.Sinai Cuncoliencar, Muktali MilindaCapital Structure Preferences of women Entreprenuers across life stages of Business2023-04-09PTNET
31Hegde-Desai, P.Naik Raiker, Vishwa Alias Laxmi VamanA study of capital structure acros growth stages of micro small medium enterprises (MSMES)2021-02-07PTNET
32Hegde-Desai, P.D'Souza, Kevin SavioThe study of factors influencing eating regulation: A holistic approach2016-09-30PT
33Kamat, V.V.Wagh, Ramrao SuryaFrom developer centric to learner centric IDE and back2016-09-30PT
34Kamat, V.V.; Pawar, J.D.Naik, Vandana UlhasApplying machine learning in education technology2016-09-29PT
35Kamat, V.V.; Pawar, J.D.Bindal, ManikaInvestigating techniques for pointwise correspondences in deformable shapes2016-02-09PTNETVisvesvaraya PhD scholarship
36Kamat, V.V.; Pawar, J.D.Furtado, Razia Maria Angela Julieta De LoyolaMachine vision and learning2015-09-28PTCollege faculty
37Kamat, V.V.; Pawar, J.D.Prabhu, Venkatesh PurshottamComputer assisted language learning for teaching Sanskrit for learners of Ayurveda2014-11-17PT
38Khanapuri, H.Agarwadekar, Vinita VilasRisk perception and sociodemographic predictors of buying intentions of health insurance in India2021-07-13PTNET
39Khanapuri, H.Lobo, Alisha PerpetuaFinancialisation of commodity Markets2021-07-07PTSET
40Khanapuri, H.Khan, Sameera HanifBehavioural dynamics in investment decisions of retail investor2019-05-18PTNET
41Khanapuri, H.Fernandes, Moses PrakashCorporate policies, capital structure variations and firm value: Evidence from industrial sectors in India 2019-05-16PTNET
42Khanapuri, H.Keni, Namrata GirishCross section of stock returns in India: An empirical analysis2019-05-15PTNET
43Kolamker, P.P.Naik, Abhisha BhavaniprasadBoard Characteristics & Firm Performance: The Leveraging Role of Earnings Management2025-01-16PTNET
44Kolamker, P.P.Gaonkar, Vishal KamalakarDigital Financial Inclusion of Socially Backward Classes in Goa2025-01-16PTNET
45Lolayekar, A.P.Shenvi Gude, Poorva UdayWater Resources & Sustainable Development in India: An Empirical Analysis2022-05-23PTSET
46Lolayekar, A.P.Colaco, Vembly MegnaAn emperical analysis of crime against women in India2022-05-18PTSET
47Mekoth, N.Dicholkar, Teja RajendraSocial media marketing effectiveness2018-11-26PT
48Mukhopadhyay, P.Chari, Ankita NavsoFrom Extraction to Sustainability Accounting in Mineral Rich Countries2025-01-22FTNET
49Mukhopadhyay, P.Amonkar, Aditya PrasadEnvironmental Economics2024-05-01PTNET
50Mukhopadhyay, P.Gaonkar, Prajyot PunoCircular Economy in India2022-05-22PTNET
51Mukhopadhyay, P.de Ataide, Oscar Luis FilipeModelling pulse supply response in India: An asymmetric approach2019-05-14PT
52Mukhopadhyay, P.Bhangle, Pravinya PrakashNatural resource management in India2018-11-28FTSET
53Mukhopadhyay, P.Gaude, Heena SubrayEconomic Development and Regional Disparities in India2018-11-26PTSET
54Mukhopadhyay, P.Badiguir, Mahalaxmi GaneshEcological Footprint and Economic Development in India2018-11-23PTSET
55Mukhopadhyay, P.Thamankar, Prerna PrakashCorporate sustainablility reporting and environmental audit in India2018-05-11PTSET
56Mukhopadhyay, P.Hussain, Yasser RazakHuman capital and economic growth in India: An empirical study2015-02-04PTNET
57Nirmala, R.Kudalkar, Krupa Uday2025-01-21PTSET
58Nirmala, R.Velip, Savita Pavto2024-04-24FTNET
59Nirmala, R.Kamath, MohanEntrepreneurial Leadership2023-12-27PTGU-PET
60Nirmala, R.Shirodkar, Tania SuhasLearning Organisation2022-11-07PTGU-PET
61Nirmala, R.Bagaria, ChetanThe pro-environmental attitude of employees, their pro-environmental habits and the mediating role of green behaviour and moderating role of mindfulness and green rewards in their relationship in the accommodation sector2019-05-13FTNET
62Nirmala, R.Abhullah, Abdulla YahiaExploring the relationship among university autonomy, strategic management and organizational performance in India's public and private universities2019-02-08FTnetForeign Student (self finance)
63Parab, N.D.Kerkar, Kushal PremanandDeterminants of Accounting Conservatism: Empirical Evidence from India 2022-11-10PTNET, SET
64Parab, N.D.Pednekar, Vasant SantoshForeign exchange intervention and Indian stock market: An empirical study2022-05-15PTSET
65Parab, N.D.Nagoji, Pooja PrakashPrice Discovery in Indian Stock Market: An empirical study2022-05-12PTNET
66Pawar, J.D.Shaikh, Naziya MahadulDetermination of metamorphic and idiomatic statements in regional language paragraphs2020-03-03PTSET
67Pawar, J.D.Shivolkar, Milind MeghnathEnd-to-end speech translation2020-03-02PTNET
68Pawar, J.D.Navelkar, Poonam AuduthAnaphora resolution for natural language understanding2019-09-29PTSET
69Pawar, J.D.Fondekar, Ashweta AnandAddressing challenges of code mixed sentiment analysis2019-09-25PTNETCollege faculty
70Pawar, J.D.Akram, Mohammed ahmed Al-RumaimEnhancing API Ecosystem Security: Approaches to Strengthen User Authentication2018-12-28FTICCR
71Pawar, J.D.Korkankar, Pratik DeelipText summarization 2018-05-17PTNET
72Pawar, J.D.Fadte, Swapnil SureshPhonetic Study and Automatic Speech Recognition for Konkani2016-09-29PTGATE
73Pawar, J.D.Bhagat, Pradnya PrakashContext aware cross domain recommender systems2016-09-23FTGATEVisvesvaraya PhD Scheme, MeitY
74Pawar, J.D.Kundaikar, Teja ChuduEnhancing the quality of devanagari OCR output for Konkani, Hindi, Marathi and Nepali with Emphasis on Konkani language2015-09-24PTGATE
75Pereira, S.Sherzai, Abdul Wajid An analysis of ESG factors on operational efficiency and operational performance of Indian listed companies2022-09-14FTICCR
76Ramesh, B.Jorge, Bernard Ainsley Granville AndreCorporate valuation: A study on strategies of selected companies in India2018-05-03FTNET
77Reddy, Y.V.Endro, Lily FathimaCost and micro-finance: An examination of access, impact and challenges2023-12-21PTSET
78Reddy, Y.V.Prabhu Bam, Divya SachinAssociation of audit quality with earnings management, firm performance and depth financing: Evidence from India2023-12-21PTSET
79Reddy, Y.V.Morajkar, Siddesh GanpatFactors influencing ESG performance of firms and the impact of ESG disclosures on stock price, liquidity and volatility: A study of select Indian listed companies2023-12-20PTNET/SET
80Reddy, Y.V.A Anto Shaju SathishThe impact of corporate diversification on firms performance - evidence form india2021-11-12PTNET
81Reddy, Y.V.Shirodkar, Eknath SagunA study on impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on G20 stock Markets2021-11-09PTNET
82Reddy, Y.V.Nazareth, Noella AviliaFinancial applications of machine learning techniques2020-12-30FTNETUGC-JRF
83Reddy, Y.V.Morudkar, Vassanti RajendraCorporate debt, financial distress and bankruptcy issues in India2019-09-20PTNET
84Sankaranarayanan, K.G.D.S. PrashantExploring the Determinants of startup in Tier-2 Cities of India2025-01-22PTGU-PET
85Sankaranarayanan, K.G.Shakiba NooryWork from home and its impact on efficiency and productivity of IT Sector Employees in India2022-09-29FTICCR
86Sankaranarayanan, K.G.Naik, Sujal LaxmidasA study on the influence of tourism on the eonomic indicators of developed and developing nations.2021-01-16PTNET
87Sankaranarayanan, K.G.Shirodkar, Sanjiv KalidasPsychographic segementation and personality traits of adventure tourism in Goa.2021-01-13PTNET
88Sankaranarayanan, K.G.Alarnkar, Aakruthi AmrutA study on behavioural finance paradigms and its impact on investment decisions of investors2020-03-11PTNET
89Sankaranarayanan, K.G.Shet, Dhanashri DurgaramInterlinkages between commodity market of India and G2O countries2019-09-23FTNET
90Sankaranarayanan, K.G.Naik, Pritam ShankarA study on Green tourism and its influence on tourist behavior2019-09-21FTSET
91Sankaranarayanan, K.G.Telgiri, Sushila Raja Impact of trading volume on return volatility: Evidence from stock market2019-09-20FTNET
92Sankaranarayanan, K.G.Venji, Vitiksha ChandrakantEffect of exchange rate volatility on international trade: An empirical study2019-05-15PTSET
93Sankaranarayanan, K.G.Shirodkar, Kavir KashinathA study on investor behaviour in Mutual funds investment2019-05-14PTNET
94SarathChandran, B.P.Naik, Narayan Saeel DinkarIndia and the free trade triangle2023-12-26PTNET
95SarathChandran, B.P.Husaindad HassaniFirm Heterogeneity, International Trade, and Productivity: An Analysis of Indian Manufacturing Sector2021-08-16FTForeign Student (ICCR)
96SarathChandran, B.P.Gawas, AkhilEconomics of rare earth elements: Fuel for India's future economic development2021-01-21PTNET
97SarathChandran, B.P.Philip, AlexTrade competitiveness and export intensity of India's manufacturing sector2019-09-26PT NET
98SarathChandran, B.P.Gaonkar, Ram KamlakarAn emperical analysis of the Lewis-Ranis-Fei theory of dualistic development for the Indian economy2019-05-15FTSET
99SarathChandran, B.P.Pires, AverylProductivity issues in Indian agriculture2019-05-14PTSET
100Shenvi Dhume, P.Zamin, FarzamInvestigating the impact of FDI on stock market return in E7 countries2022-09-27FTICCR
101Shenvi Dhume, P.D'Souza, Thomasin JolizaSocial Media Influencer Marketing2022-05-22PTSET
102Shenvi Dhume, P.Goes, Racheal LourdesA study of customer's behaviour towards digital payments2022-05-18PTNET
103Shenvi Dhume, P.Toraskar, Disha BhikajiTrading in Cryptocurrency Market: Behavioural Finance Perspective2022-05-18PTSET
104SriRam, P.Nayak, Ramakant alias SahilAn empirical study on the behavioral biases in selective stock markets2022-05-19PTNET
105SriRam, P.Naik, Amit GajananA study on institutional investors trading style and trading volume and its impact on market return volatility2019-05-17PTSET
106SriRam, P.Shet, Khemraj alias Sangam PanduInformation efficiency and share price prediction of Indian stock market2018-11-22PTNET/SET
107SriRam, P.Tuyekar, Suraj PrakashEmpirical evidence on shift of calendar anomalies and volatility in Indian stock market and derivatives market2018-11-20PTSET
108Subhash, K.B.Chindarkar, Swati MadanA Study of the motivating factors of tourists visiting religious places in Goa2023-12-21PTSET
109Subhash, K.B.Mohammad Aref SharifiSocio Economic impact of Hing/ Asafoetida Trading and the supply chain aspects2022-11-27FTICCR
110Subhash, K.B.Costa, NikitaTraditional Entrepreneurship in the State of Goa2021-07-09PTNET
111Subhash, K.B.Salgaonkar, Sanchali Sanjay2020-03-06PTSET
112Subhash, K.B.Noronha, Concy LiberataThe Impact of support services rendered by Technology Business Incubators (TBI's) on startups success in India2020-03-04PTNET/SET
113Subhash, K.B.; Sankaranarayanan, K.G.Tendulkar, Chaitali ChandrakantTourist Perceptions and Resident Engagement: A Holistic Approach towards Religious Festival Tourism in Goa2019-09-25PTSET
114Subhash, K.B.Castanha, JickConsumer Behaviour Towards Technology Adoption in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry2019-05-17PTNET
115Subhash, K.B.Manju, T.K.Ayurveda Health Tourism In Kerala - Motivations, Benefits and Satisfaction of Health Tourists2015-09-14PTNET
116Sudarsan, P.K.Dessai, Shamal KrishnaEconomics of higher education in Goa 2019-05-14PTNET
117Sudarsan, P.K.Pereira, Delicia SharonAirline industry in India: A micro economic study of firm behaviour2018-11-29PTSET
118Sudarsan, P.K.D'Costa, LizetteIndia's economic relations with BRICS countries2018-11-28PTSET
119Thomson, A.R.Khan, SalmanExploring the Impact of Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) Practices on Sustainability Performance in the Hospitality Industry2024-04-30PTSET
120Thomson, A.R.Naik, Gauri PradeepExploring The Mediating Role of Tourist Satisfaction in The Relationship Between Heritage Tourism Experience and Tourist Well-Being2024-04-23PTGU-PET
121Thomson, A.R.Pagi, Arti BalkrishnaA study on factors shaping culinary tourism and the impact of culinary tourism on local community2023-12-22PTSET
122Thomson, A.R.Kelkar, Govind AnantA.I. Chatbot in Hospitality and Tourism2023-12-21PTSET
123Velip, S.P.Korgaonkar, Niveda RajendraBuilding Heritage Together' Collaborative Approaches To Sustainable Heritage Tourism Management At Cultural Heritage Sites in Goa2024-04-29PTSET
124Velip, S.P.Yadav, Amitabh Hari OmImpact of GI Tagged Products on Goa's Economy2024-04-26PTNET
Click on 'Publications' for the theses of the students completed their studies in the School