S.No. |
Guide; Co-guide |
Student |
Topic |
Regis_Dt yyyy-mm-dd |
FT_PT* |
Qualifying Exam |
Support |
1 | Gangopadhay, A. | Nawabi, Mohammad Yosof | The new great game in Central Asia and instability of Afghanistan: A post-2001 study | 2019-11-29 | FT | | ICCR |
2 | Gangopadhay, A. | Rantlhoiwa, Kefilwe | The South-South cooperation modalities in pan Africa: Chinese approach | 2019-11-29 | FT | | ICCR |
3 | Gangopadhay, A. | Bushar, Timor Shah | Islamists extremist in Afghanistan: Strategic regional competition & global power play | 2019-11-29 | FT | | ICCR |
4 | Gangopadhay, A. | Tsedenbal, Baigali | Mongolia's third neighbour policy: Security and development engagement with China and India | 2019-11-29 | PT | | ICCR |
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