18 PhD Students currently registered with School: Sanskrit, Philosophy and Indic Studies

S.No. Guide; Co-guide Student Topic Regis_Dt yyyy-mm-dd FT_PT* Qualifying Exam Support
1Menezes, W.Sequeira, JonathanA comparitive study of philosophical counseling methods & psychotherapeutical approches of Freud, Beck & Rogers2025-01-18PTGUPET
2Menezes, W.Saikia, DipankiThe Influence of Buddhism in Advaita Vedanta2022-05-16FTNET
3Menezes, W.Naik Salgaonkar, Akash SadanandDhvani Theory - Indian Philosophy2022-05-12FTMPHIL
4Menezes, W.Yadav, Sagar Existentialism and Indian Philosophy: Comparative analysis2021-11-12FTNETUGC-JRF
5Menezes, W.Deo, Aditee ArunTackling the Hard Problem of consciousness from Advaitic perspective2021-11-10FTNETUGC-JRF
6PaiVernekar, S.D.Revankar, Sanket ShantaramEthics of artificial intelligence2023-12-28PTNET
7PaiVernekar, S.D.Naik, Rajavi DamodarConcept of suffering.2021-01-15PTSET
8PaiVernekar, S.D.; Kerkar, S.Kamat, Nandkumar MukundWhy the world needs a better global bioethical convention for effective pandemic management: Ideas based on critical analysis of bioethical issues arising from the new coronavirus pandemic with special with special reference to Anti Covid-19 vaccine R and D and exit strategies.2020-02-28FT
9PaiVernekar, S.D.Pereira, Sendra FlorenciaThe ethical issues in rationing and distribution of health care services2019-09-27PTSET
10PaiVernekar, S.D.D' Mello, Audrick Agnelo AugustoMoral absolutism, moral subjectivism and feminism: An enquiry into the idea of the ethics of the feminine2017-11-07PTNET
11Tharakan, K.Singh, BhawnaAn Inquiry Concerning the problem of Misinformation/Disinformation through social media platforms2025-01-22FTGATE
12Tharakan, K.Rai, DikshaPhenomenological approach in International Relations2023-04-10FTGATE
13Tharakan, K.Sangodkar, Siya SudinPhenomenology of Consciousness2022-05-10FTNET
14Tharakan, K.Brajkov, BojanaTrance, liberation and self realization and inquiry into phenomenology and Buddhism2022-01-31FTICCR
15Tharakan, K.Aruvi, R.Time and technology: a study in Philosophy of technology2021-01-01FTNETUGC-SRF
16Tharakan, K.George, Vidya MarySymbol and self: Understanding discourses of public and private spacesSelf, symbols and space : A study in the philosophies of Foucault, Ricoeur, and Habermas2019-09-20FTNETUGC-SRF
17Tharakan, K.Bara, ElizabethThe performing Body: A study in phenomenology of the body2019-05-16PTNETGoa University Research Studentship
18Tharakan, K.Sawaiker, Vasudha SureshEthics And Social Justice Pedagogy: Transformative Possibilities Through Phule-Ambedkarite Philosophy of Education.2017-04-19PTNETUGC-SRF
Click on 'Publications' for the theses of the students completed their studies in the School