Students currently registered for Doctoral programme with Prof. Rao, N. as Guide
S.No. Student Topic Registration date FT/PT* NET/SET Support
1Kundaikar, Eunisha TanuCaste, gender and the making of fertility cults in pre modern Goa2022-05-12FTJRF/NET/SET/GU-PET
2Goes, Noel SevritoJews in Goa2021-11-09PT
3Ghadi, Sneha BabiGoan Hindu Diaspora in Mumbai (1800-1961)2021-01-12PTNET
4Lakshmi devi, K.C. Nature, role and dimension of subaltern nationalistic discourse- An innate struggle of the displaced nationals form colonial Goa2020-03-06FTM.Phil
5John, Marshal J MCarmelites in Goa 17th and 18th Centuries: Diplomacy and Mendicant Economy2019-09-30FT
6Shenvi-Khandeparker, Meghana AnantSahyadri Khanda: Parshurama tradition and social history of Goa2019-09-19PTNET
7Naik, Poornima VithalPortuguese and Sunda: Politics, trade and society 2018-11-16PT
*FT= Full Time; PT= Part Time student
For the guide/students' awarded degree thesis, search on repository