Students currently registered for Doctoral programme with Prof. Salgaonkar, B.B. as Guide
S.No. Student Topic Registration date FT/PT* NET/SET Support
1Nadodkar, Siddhi DeelipInvestigation of extremazymes for bioremediation of waste using polyexiremotolerant microorgnisms from solar saltern2024-01-01FTNET
2Naik, Tejas JagannathStudies on halophilic Archaea and bacteria for the synthesis of carotenoids and polyhydroxyalkanoates and its applications2022-05-13FTNET/GATE/SET
3Pawar, Gandisha MassoStudies on Biomolecules from halophilic archaea and bacteria from Indian Solar Salteens2022-05-13FTNET/GATE/SET
*FT= Full Time; PT= Part Time student
For the guide/students' awarded degree thesis, search on repository