S.No. |
Student |
Topic |
Registration date |
FT/PT* |
Support |
1 | D.S. Prashant | Exploring the Determinants of startup in Tier-2 Cities of India | 2025-01-22 | PT | GU-PET | |
2 | Shakiba Noory | Work from home and its impact on efficiency and productivity of IT Sector Employees in India | 2022-09-29 | FT | ICCR | |
3 | Naik, Sujal Laxmidas | A study on the influence of tourism on the eonomic indicators of developed and developing nations. | 2021-01-16 | PT | NET | |
4 | Shirodkar, Sanjiv Kalidas | Psychographic segementation and personality traits of adventure tourism in Goa. | 2021-01-13 | PT | NET | |
5 | Alarnkar, Aakruthi Amrut | A study on behavioural finance paradigms and its impact on investment decisions of investors | 2020-03-11 | PT | NET | |
6 | Shet, Dhanashri Durgaram | Interlinkages between commodity market of India and G2O countries | 2019-09-23 | FT | NET | |
7 | Naik, Pritam Shankar | A study on Green tourism and its influence on tourist behavior | 2019-09-21 | FT | SET | |
8 | Telgiri, Sushila Raja | Impact of trading volume on return volatility: Evidence from stock market | 2019-09-20 | FT | NET | |
9 | Venji, Vitiksha Chandrakant | Effect of exchange rate volatility on international trade: An empirical study | 2019-05-15 | PT | SET | |
10 | Shirodkar, Kavir Kashinath | A study on investor behaviour in Mutual funds investment | 2019-05-14 | PT | NET | |