Students currently registered for Doctoral programme with Prof. Tripathi, R. as Guide
S.No. Student Topic Registration date FT/PT* NET/SET Support
1Naik, Ashmita Premanand2025-01-08FT
2Naik, Ramrai KalojiThe interface between Media and Voter's behaviour2021-11-11PTSET
3Rizvi, Fouzia Wajahat HussainReimagining associational politics in India through the prism of social capital2021-01-09PTNET
4Shirgurkar, Dattaprasad DileepComparative study of economic diplomacy during UPA and NDA regime2020-03-13PTNET
5Xavier, Sonia Role of women in decision making: Public and private2019-09-30PT SET
6Shet Mashelkar, Siddhi SaidattaPerformance evaluation of integrated child development services with special reference to tribal dominated Panchayats of South Goa2019-05-15PT SET
7Sukhtankar, Mohit KrishnaGoan identity and politics: A study of the identity debate in post-liberation Goa2018-11-20PTNET
8DaCosta, Hegel ConchitaIdentity and citizenship: A case study of Goa's out migration2017-11-09PTM.Phil.
*FT= Full Time; PT= Part Time student
For the guide/students' awarded degree thesis, search on repository